Copper backs off – Diario Financiero


Merchandise lost 1.06% to a value of US $ 2.80547 per pound

Copper begins the week with the left foot. Merchandise fell 1.06% to $ 2.80547 per pound at the London Metal Exchange, after five consecutive wins last week.

Meanwhile, the three-month futures contracts also fell by 1.15% and were set at a price of US $ 2.81590.

In contrast, inventories rose 1.08% to 256,275 metric tonnes.

The copper price comes in a complex scenario in the country's largest mining company, after the Chuquicamata union abandoned talks with Codelco and opted for a strike. With that, the eyes focus on what the Escondida workers will decide, who also negotiate.

However, the attention of investors is focused on China and the data that will be released by the Asian giant, where it is expected to show a slowdown in growth of the world's leading consumer of metals, says the badyst Market in ] XTB Latam Daniel Meriño.

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