Correa calls a warrant against him as a plot of the Ecuadorian government | International


The former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa describes the arrest warrant issued by Ecuadorian justice as a "conspiracy" of the current Ecuadorian government against him and ensures that Interpol will reject the petition in an interview with AFP this Wednesday.

"There is a whole road map (…) There is a whole plot," Correa told AFP in Brussels, for whom the "government" of Lenin Moreno is "without any doubt "behind. . "He is behind all this, of the judiciarization of politics," he added

Correa, who ruled Ecuador for a decade, is accused of the crimes of illicit badociation and of kidnapping of ex-deputy Fernando Balda, according to the prosecutor's office. The investigation is still ongoing and the chief could be fired before the supreme CNJ calls him to trial.

Amidst his fierce fight with his successor and exiled Lenin Moreno, Correa was brought to justice by Balda's application, which accused him of ordering his abduction when he was a refugee in Bogotá in 2012.

Although five people managed to force him into a car, the Colombian police intercepted the vehicle and obtained the immediate release of the parliamentarian.

Shortly afterwards, Balda was expelled from Colombia at the request of Quito for several crimes. The opponent of the exmandatario had been in prison for more than two years for insulting and threatening state security.

In the case of the kidnapping, three intelligence officers and a former police commander are already detained, while a prison order weighs on a former head of the national intelligence department that is located in Spain and whose extradition has been requested. for Ecuador.

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