Councilman managed to write the name of the alleged murderer: he was a young friend


Before dying, Councilor Tulio Rojas managed to write the name of the subject who had been arrested yesterday as the alleged perpetrator of the homicide. It is about a young friend of the mayor of the PS of the municipality of Pichidegua, 50 years old at the time of his death.

The facts were known last night after the capture of the suspect, 26-year-old Franco Esteban Arriaza Lara, arrested at the same time Pichidegua locality and transferred to the barracks of the PDI homicide brigade, in Rancagua.

The head of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Deputy Reeve Pedro Calderón, emphasized that the arrest was the product of scientific works made technical from the moment of the crime, thanks to the multiplicity of evidence that one succeeded in highlighting the location of the event, including the name of the suspect written by the victim in his car.

Calderón said that On Saturday, October 13, after visiting friends, the city councilor contacted the suspect in the afternoon. The two men surrendered to the victim's vehicle at the police station. Codao de Pichidegua, where they were divided

He added that, for the reasons of the investigation, the accused had taken a blunt object and had inflicted various cranial wounds on him. He also attacked with a sharp weapon. The reason for the crime would be theft because the credit cards and mobile phones of the counselor have disappeared, as well as other species.

In the vehicle, the police found a letter with the name of the accused who had been the subject of expertises. It was found that it was the counselor's letter. In any event, the suspect remained silent and that Saturday at 10 am will be placed under the control of his detention before the Peumo guarantee court.

Apparently, l to the prosecutor of Rancagua will ask to extend the detention of the accused until next Tuesday, pending the results of the other expertises, before formalizing Arriaza Lara for the crime of robbery with homicide.

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