Councilor Maipú PS makes a public apology to Mayor Cathy Barriga to put an end to her trial


During the last session of the communal council, Marcela Silva stepped in to end the controversy with the communal authority, who lodged a complaint for insults with up to three years' imprisonment. ;imprisonment.

"I regret the situation that has arisen in relation to the case, and I will not be able to repeat it again with regard to these facts."

That was what the PS adviser said. Maipú Marcela Silva at the last municipal council of the municipality, held on Wednesday. The reason: a public apology to Mayor Cathy Barriga for a comment that led the mayor to complain of insults and slanders last May.

Silva – for whom Barriga's defense had asked for three years in prison – had engaged a controversy in a city council with the mayor, after which she indicated in the Channel 13 Welcome Program that Barriga, well that his partner was hired in the municipality, had also done this practice.

"The mayor changes the themes, it is badumed that the issue of kinship exists, but we have a document stating that she has relatives within the municipality, but we will present these documents where they have to to be introduced. "She also hired family members to the mayor's office," Silva said on May 9th at the TV show.

The intervention led Barriga to sue for insults and defamation before the eighth bail court in Santiago, claiming he was not a family member working in the municipality.

After the public apology presented at the last city council, the mayor does not persevere in this judicial presentation.

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