Couple forced their son to have sex with their mother-in-law and to watch when they had sex


A horrible case shocked the English media after all the facts that a child under 11 had to face because of their own parents were reported.

According to the Daily Mail, the case occurred in 1998, but now the lawsuit is being drawn up at the Reading Crown Court. This after the minor, who is currently an adult, reported to the police what he was facing, but no one believed him.

In this sense, the father told the detectives that everything was a childish lie and these they believed him. Years later, while he was an adult, he returned to blame the couple and he managed to arrest both of them.

In the prosecution, the son indicated that at the age of 11 his father and his mother-in-law believed that he was homobadual, so they went to him. forced to repeatedly observe how they had relationships. But that was not all, since the child was also forced to have bad with the woman.

In this regard, the prosecutor of the case stated that in the initial interview that the police had made to the parent of the child, he acknowledged the aberrant behavior. they had with the child, noting that the idea was to "keep him on the correct and narrow path", referring to the alleged homobaduality that the child has demonstrated.

During the hearing, the woman claimed innocence and never had any relationship with her son-in-law. . However, the judge did not believe his words and gave him harsh words while reading the sentence.

"For your own personal badual satisfaction, you performed badual acts with a boy who considered you as his mother.It was your distorted sense of right and wrong," he said.

In addition, he insisted that "I read and re-read the statement of the victim.I was desperately in need of affection and you have exploited it completely. Then he showed them both and said that "the harm you have done is unacceptable."

Eventually, the couple was sentenced to 15 years in prison.The father on charges of cruelty to children and acts indecent with a child, while the woman for cruelty to children, indecent badault and indecent acts with a child.

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