Coyhaique declares "persona non grata" to Maria Luisa Cordero for treating them as "primitive"


The Coyhaique City Council decided to declare "persona non grata" to Dr. María Luisa Cordero after
marking the inhabitants of the region as "primitive" and "illiterate".

It started when the psychiatrist commented in his radio show El Conquistador the case of the Medio Ambiente Seremi of Aysén, who resigned after being made official for shoplifting in a supermarket, holding his three year old girl responsible for what happened. Against this, Cordero said that "the region is not characterized by high intellectual levels or academic profile.They just started a university and the Chancellor is already complaining that she lacks Money. "

" Coyhaic is not exactly where the culture lives ", indicating that his sister was a teacher in the area and attacked after giving a bad grade, thereby condemning that" the region from there is very primitive ".

But Cordero continued shooting against Coyhaique on July 14, specifically against Nabila Rifo's family, aiming that "there is an illiterate rural migration". 19659003] At the same time, he responded crudely to critics of his statements: "Improve yourself, instead of throwing me waste and complaining about what I said, do it." [19459004IsthereaculturalcenterinCoyhaiquetheclumsygauchoswhohealandcrushhorsestodeathordoyouwantmetorememberyouwhenyouaredoingyourPatagoniannights?"

Given from this, Councilor Ricardo Cantin expressed to Radio Cooperativa that "proverbs are exaggerated (…) we will initiate legal actions that correspond"

"If she says that we are primitive yesterday in the Council , we recognized students from our high school Altos del Mackay who won a science competition to go to Antarctica, a few months ago students of the Southern Alliance he won a national prize of the physical sciences and they will go represent Chile in the Middle Ori " he argued.

As a result, the city council declared his "persona non grata", since his words "have offended and corrupted people just for living in a remote region of the center of the country."

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