CPI posted a 0.4% change in October, highlighting strong rises in potatoes, lemons and common expenses


The Consumer Price Index (CPI) recorded a monthly increase of 0.4% in October, a rate above market expectations that indicated a change of about 3%.

With this result, the accumulated inflation reached 2.7% during the year, against 2.9% in twelve months, which is once again below the center of the Bank's objective. Central Bank, which is somewhat in line with the interest rate increase applied at its last monetary policy meeting.

The National Institute of Statistics (INE) said that during the tenth month of the year, seven of the twelve divisions making up the CPI basket had an impact. positive. in the variation of the index, four had negative impacts and had no impact.

The largest contributors were food and non-alcoholic beverages (0.7%), with 0.138 percentage points (p.); transportation (0.9%), with 0.126 percentage points, and recreation and culture (0.6%), with 0.038 percentage points. The remaining divisions that had a positive impact totaled 0.105 pp. Among those who declined, she highlighted housing and basic services (-0.1%), with an impact of -0.016 points.

Food and non-alcoholic beverages recorded monthly increases in eight of their eleven clbades.

Common Expenditures

The main products were vegetables, legumes and tubers (3.3%) and bread and cereals (0.6%). INE explained that of the division's 76 products, 45 noted an increase in their prices, including potatoes (26.7%) and lemons (20.8%).

With regard to potatoes, INE stated that the price was accumulating a significant jump of 48.9% this year and 85.5% to twelve months up to now year.

The price increase is explained by the lower availability of this product on the market. because of the replacement of the productive areas, the replacement of the guard crop with the new potato.

The common expenses, for their part, varied by 6.8% compared to the previous month. With this result, this position has accumulated an increase of 10.3% since the beginning of the year and 6.2% year on year.

The monthly result is due to the payment of premiums and premiums for national holidays. expenditure on remuneration due to the replacement of staff for the festivities and the entry into force of the new minimum income as from 1 September.

Gasoline, meanwhile, recorded a monthly increase of 2.5% and accumulated 11, 6% in the tenth month of the year and 15.2% to twelve months.

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