Crime of an old man in La Reina: they capture a violent group that boasted about their flights – National


Crime of an old man in La Reina: they capture a violent group boasting of their robberies

The perpetrators of the murder of Aldo Caiozzi were wanted for seven robberies. One of them had as a corollary a cinematographic escape recorded by the municipal guards. Tvn


"These people have no heart, they have no feelings, they have absolutely nothing".

This is how the family of Aldo Caiozzi (77) describes those responsible for the death of the old man, occurred early January 20 at his home in the municipality of La Reina, where he had been tied up and beaten before.

After several months, the antisocials fell into the hands of the IDP. They are linked to seven violent robberies. According to the sub-prefect Cristian Vásquez, among their actions, it was normal to tie their victims with cables, then beat them and seize cash, jewels, money and cars.

For this group, the crimes were like an entertainment panorama. This is shown by the videos and photographs taken after the events, where they brag about what they did.

In fact, just 17 days before the crime of Aldo Caiozzi, they robbed a house in Providencia. At the moment when they were surprised by a patrol of municipal guards, they organized a movie escape and escaped.


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