Crucial day for Mexico: the biggest voting day in history has begun


Mexicans vote this Sunday in elections that could mean a radical change in the way politics do in a country shaken by scandals of violence and corruption

The favorite, Andrés Manuel López Obrador declared that if he wins, his victory will mean a transformation as profound and radical as independence or revolution, but without bloodshed. Meanwhile, its rivals are accusing it of being populist and want to return to a protectionist policy, which is why even big companies are wary.

A total of 89 million Mexicans are called to the polls. great in the history of Mexico because besides the president the head of the government of the capital and eight governors are elected, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate are renewed and voted for thousands of local offices

. in addition to ideologies and political parties – dissidents have proliferated in all groups and coalitions against nature – elections have become a sort of popular referendum on the corruption of officials who have embezzled resources from the state and violence, which keeps his daily dribbling of the dead.

This weekend, among other homicides, the murder was brought to light for reasons still unknown to a journalist. the state of Quintana Roo, José Guadalupe Chan, who worked for several local media.

In addition, Saturday, in full day of reflection, several complaints of attempts to purchase and coercion to vote or robbery or burn in some municipalities of the country

C & # 39; is why the most repeated word by all has been "change" and the forecast is that it exceeds 62% of the turnout recorded in 2012. One example is that nearly 100,000 Mexicans abroad, the majority in the United States, already voted, more than twice as much as in 2012.

"No one has won yet but (president) Enrique Peña Nieto may already be counted among the vanquished "] Journal Reforma wrote Sunday.

For López Obrador, 64, it is the third attempt to reach the presidency. He does this at the head of the coalition "Together we will make history", led by the National Movement for Regeneration (Morena), and for many it is the culmination of 12 years of campaign in which he traveled the country, insisting considers "the mafia of power" that ruled Mexico and emerged as the candidate who will work for the poor.

"Today people will decide between more or less the same change" López Obrador told reporters while he was waiting to vote

Before him conservative Ricardo Anaya , who leads a unique coalition between the right-wing National Action Party (PAN) and his former rival Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), on the left, has been trying to attract youth voting and all those who fear a populist turn.

For his part, the official Jose Antonio Meade had to fight against the discontent that aroused the administration of Peña Nieto is convinced that the great machine of the Revolutionary Institutional Party (PRI), with more than five million members, can prevent the hegemonic ex-party from realizing what could be the worst result in its history.

The fourth of the contest is the independent Jaime Rodríguez, who, with the intention of voting at only 3%, should remain the exotic note of the campaign for his familiar speech and his proposals, such as cutting the hands of those who fly.

Thousands of state and federal security forces and more than 30,000 observers from Mexico and abroad – in addition to those posted by the parties – have been deployed to ensure that the vote is unwind in peace.

The National Electoral Institute has asked candidates and parties to act responsibly at the closing of the polls scheduled at 18:00 (23:00 GMT) and not to rule on and any victories until the first official results, around 11 pm (04h00 GMT)

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