Cuba; Now it is when it is


Cubans Discuss New Constitution

Havana, Cuba. – In three weeks, the debate on the draft Constitution which has just been approved by Parliament will begin in all Cuba.

August 13, a date full of symbolism in the Cuban political calendar, will start discussions in the street of a text that will soon be in all hands.

To read it first, to reason in detail and to propose it later, is the only way to help us shape the desired future. Because it is the purpose of public debate: the collective form, the future of the nation's law laws.

This will be another momentous moment for a popular democracy that has developed over the last 60 years into the heat of the most radical transformation of Cuban history. Because since the beginning of January, the people, this great mbad redeemed by the Revolution, determines the national destiny, in a way that must be followed now.

Towards a frank and participative debate

Modern and advanced, the Constitutional Project has substantial changes that go beyond the simple social.

Beyond something debated and the new conceptualization of marriage, a key issue is the new government organization, which grants more powers at the local level, understood as municipalities, when the current provincial body disappears.

At the same time, parliament badumes a greater role in the management and control of the government. no less important is the temporary limitation to the presidential term or the appearance of the Prime Minister's figure.

All this, and much more, will have to be discussed in the streets in a frank and reasoned manner. It is a civic faculty to which we must respond with substantial contributions, because we describe the future of Cuba, and now it is when it is

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