Cuba | What will change in the country with the new Constitution? | Trade | World | News


Cuba is preparing to approve a new Constitution which will replace the one still in force, which dates from 1976. The new standard will open the doors to the market and the world. private investment, without giving up its course Socialist

The draft of the new Magna Carta, approved Sunday by the National Assembly, will be submitted to the popular consultation between August 13 and November 15 and then submitted to a referendum

. key aspects of this new text:

► Private Property

The new regulations will recognize the market, private property and foreign investment as part of the country's economy.

These changes will provide legal support to the adjustments initiated by then President Raul Castro since 2008, which allowed the emergence of private companies, called "on their own".

From this date until May 2018, private enterprises include 591,000 people, equivalent to 13% of the country's workforce. In many cases, it is small and micro enterprises

Changes are needed to stimulate the growth of their economy, under the embargo of the United States more than five decades ago.

► Goodbye to the "Communist Society" [19659005] Article 5 of the Constitution current establishes that the only Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) "organizes However, in this new project, and in the midst of unprecedented economic openness since the triumph of the revolution, the party referring to the "communist society" will be withdrawn.
Beyond, the CCP, whose first secretary is Raúl Castro, remains the lighthouse of the country

► President and Prime Minister

The figure of the President of the Republic (currently President of the Republic) will be restored State Councils and Ministers) The position of Prime Minister will also be created

"The creation of a Prime Minister in is more in line with the logic of the division of functions than with the state. to a sharing perspective of powers, "he told AFP. the political badyst Arturo López-Levy, professor at the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley

is the case of other "monopoly experiments of the Communist Party", a- he commented

"The prime ministers of China and Vietnam autonomy the sphere of government, but the position is subordinate to the president and the first secretary or secretary general of the Communist Party," he detailed.

► Limit of the presidential term

The new constitution will limit the presidential election period to 5 years with the option of immediate re-election for the same time.The minimum age to try the presidency will be 35 years and maximum age of 60 when applying for the first time.

The Socialist Island was ruled by brothers Fidel and Raúl Castro until they octogenarian, his successor Diaz-Canel is 58.

"The Limit The presidential mandate is a very important change for the recirculation of Cuban elites . "This is another indicator of the development of the bases for more collective leadership. Within the single-party system, "said López-Levy

However, the president will be elected among the deputies of the National Assembly, whose members are elected in a popular ballot where the number of candidates is equal to the number of seats.] ► Equal Marriage

Cuba which after the triumph of the revolution in 1959 marginalized homobaduals, is now preparing to accept one of its main demands: the same-bad marriage To do this, Article 68 of the new Mgna Charter will make it clear that marriage is the consensual union "between two people", without specifying bad, by removing the 39 exclusivity that it is only for a parent .Ha formed by the man and the woman

"Although there were different criteria (…) everyone was agree that this article speaks for the first time of marriage between two people. Mariela Castro

Mariela, daughter of former President Raúl Castro, heads the National Center for Sex Education (Cenebad), an organization that promotes the defense of LGBT rights. 19659005] Source: AFP

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