Cuban companies seek to strengthen their presence in the Chinese market at CIIE |


By Noemí Galbán

HAVANA, Nov. 1 (Xinhua) – The First International Exhibition on the Import of China (CIIE) provides a unique opportunity to penetrate and expand the presence of goods and Cuba's services in the Asian nation, Cuban businessmen from different sectors have agreed today.

Leaders of some of the Caribbean state entities that will be participating in the CIIE from November 5 to 10 said in an interview with Xinhua that the main goal was to have Chinese partners do business and generate profits for all.

"We believe that if we get a good" partner ", he is able to store the products for distribution to a lot of customers and satisfy the many tastes of the customers. a success, "said Jorge Cardoso, Cuba's export director Ron Corporation.

For only two years, the company has been marketing its major brands in Beijing and Shanghai.

The Chinese have already tasted rums of exquisite quality and a history of more than 160 years, such as Santiago and Cubay.

Some 144,000 bottles of eight Ron Cuban companies are exported each year to this market; However, according to Cardoso, the possibilities are "huge".

Premium cigars recognized worldwide as the most traditional are the cigars Premium, completely twisted by hand, established for more than ten years in China, but offering Ernesto Gonzalez, director of operational marketing at Habanos SA, a company who distributes cigars in more than 150 countries, told Xinhua.

"We still have a lot of potential in the Chinese market that we have not covered yet.The knowledge of brands, habano culture, this set of elements is the first thing we develop, which will lead people to look for other specialties, "he said.

González said that he was one of the niche markets for increased consumption of luxury goods on the planet, category in which are recorded the famous Cuban cigars and which will be the bet in Shanghai.

"Our objectives must first communicate on Cuba, make our product an essential element of Cuban economy and culture and position our well-known and well-accepted brands in China, because we are market leaders, but we want to strengthen our presence ",

Official data confirms that China is consolidating its market status with the highest potential and growth in Cuban premium tobacco sales, with a 33% increase in 2017 vs. 2016.

According to the executives of Habanos SA, these results are largely attributable to the agreement signed a little over a year ago between the China National Tobacco Corporation and the State-owned joint venture, Tabacuba, and Spanish Altadis, which belongs to the English group Imperial Tobacco.

González Announcement The objective is to increase sales in the Asian country. Habanos SA will therefore present, for next year, a novelty created especially for Chinese consumers, because this market is one of the main priorities of society.

Combined with these traditional exportable products, there have recently been others who will bid in Shanghai to break through and demonstrate to the Chinese authorities, business people and people the high levels of competitiveness of Cuba in various fields.

This is the case of medical services and biotechnology, two of Cuba's major bets in the ICIE.

"The objectives are very clear, to carry out a series of previously coordinated meetings and contacts with entrepreneurs to have the opportunity to start sharing and expanding what we currently have," Ismary told Xinhua Núñez, communication director of BioCubaFarma.

The group brings together 34 companies related to the Cuban pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry and, despite the fact that three joint ventures have been established in China to date, seeks to consolidate To extend this relationship.

"We have already introduced Cimavax-EGF for lung cancer, but there are other products such as Heberprot-P (to treat diabetic foot ulcers) and other natural, innovative products and unique, different pharmacological and biotechnological categories that we want to promote, "Núñez emphasized.

Caribbean diplomatic sources announced that BioCubaFarma will present at the exhibition important research and development projects at different stages of evolution, devoted to the therapeutic areas of impact and disease. prevalence increased in China. as in the case of cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurology.

In this regard, Dr. Víctor Tamayo, Vice President of Business of the Medical Services Distributor of Cuba, pointed out that trade was another important problem. professionals.

"We have a lot of potential and we are going to Shanghai, with the expec It is important to continue to fundamentally deepen this market in the segment of patient care, not only in Cuba, but also to our specialists who badist the Chinese in their places of origin, "he said.

Tamayo also pointed out that since 2011, there are links with China in this sector, thanks to which more than 100 cancer patients from the Asian nation have received treatment in Cuba with "satisfactory results".

Similarly, 12 Cuban doctors from the profile of ophthalmology are currently working in China hospitals.

International collaboration in Cuban health is currently being implemented in 68 countries in Latin America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Oceania and Africa. Europe, and more than 49,000 doctors are dedicated to providing the best medical care to the inhabitants. from each of the nations where they are.

On an area of ​​136 square meters, of the 270,000 that the "National Exh ibition and Convention Center" of Shanghai, seat of the CIIE, the Cuban delegation will be represented by 34 companies.

Companies are badociated with the agriculture and food sectors; science, technology, information technology and communications; medical services and biotechnology; Culture; construction; trade, investment and services.

As part of the exhibition, Cuban representatives will participate on November 8 in the Sino-Cuban Business Forum, devoted to exchanges in the fields of foreign investment, tourism, culture and health. Promoting Bilateral Cooperation

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel's visit to Cuba on November 6, as part of his official program in China, as well as the tour he has recently begun, are also confirmed. by four other countries in Asia and Western Europe.

The first CIIE will bring together more than 3,000 companies from more than 130 countries and regions. Some 160,000 local and international buyers are expected to attend the fair.

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