Curiosity returns to work after a failure in his memory


Curiosity resumed some of its scientific work on Mars after a failure of its system prevented it from sending information to Earth in mid-September, forcing NASA to suspend mobile operations.

Yes Well, Curiosity still does not have the full backup to perform all its operations again, can already transmit the collected data on the Martian surface while working on its complete recovery.

NASA has announced the return to Curiosity's work through a publication on its website stating that it was possible to recover the mobile since the engineers had changed from one to another. computer on side A, which was no longer used since 2013.

Curiosity had replaced its main AB side computer in 2013, 200 days after the start of its mission, after the A side corruption. at that time, the explorer of the crater of Gale only worked well with the B side, until September of this year, when the exploration vehicle reported problems to store the scientific information that he had collected on the Martian surface.

In early October, scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory ordered Curiosity to modify their "brain" so that the team could make a complete diagnosis of the problem affecting their memory.

In this sense, Regarding the current state of NASA, "Thanks to our hard-working engineers, Curiosity is ready for limited scientific operations, while the work on the 39, anomaly continue. "

For his part, a Thanks to Twitter, the exploration vehicle was much more efficient and thanked his human friends for their recovery.

"I improved with a little help from my friends," he wrote the official curiosity of account. "Thank you to the team that has changed me yet for the l & # 39; 39, computer side A, I can take and send pictures this week with a camera that I have not used since 2013. Work is continuing to hand over completed operations online. "

I manage with the help of my friends.Through the team that replaced me by the computer A, I took and sent back images this week with a camera that I have not used since 2013. Work continues for all operations to be done.

– Rios Curiosity (@MarsCuriosity) October 17, 2018

Curiosity was launched in 2012 as part of Since its mission on Mars Science Laboratory, NASA has not only taken spatial selfies, she also discovered organic compounds dating back to 3.5 billion years ago and described Mars from the top of Vera Rubin Ridge.

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