Intel has long been leading Cannon Lake the brand's generation of processors that is expected to jump from 14 nanometers to 10nm and has been delayed for years. The last time it was this year, when the company confirmed last April that she would not see the light in 2018. Now, again, dare to set a date for their arrival.

This will be in the second half of 2019, as communicated to investors in the announcement of their quarterly results. A datum too vague to be excited, because often this type of delay usually ends up being pressed to the maximum, so it is plausible to think that "second half of 2019" will eventually turn into November or December 2019 ] All this taking into account, of course, that the problems that delay their marketing will not happen again.

The new generation of processors, which should arrive in time on the shelves, does not stop to plant doubts among the companies that depend on the manufacturer to bademble the components of the same into their products. So much so that Apple, for example, would already develop its own microprocessors to be able to do without what Intel does.

A generation with delay, also delays the next

Intel's miscalculations during the last few times led the company to have announced almost a year ago the Ice Lake generation, successor to Cannon Lake and that would have a 10nm + architecture. This being planned to come out in 2019, it is obvious that this will not be possible before, at least, 2020. su-primera-generacion -10nm

For the moment, the current Coffe Lake 14nm ++ will remain in Intel for the rest of the year and it seems, if nothing changes, also during a much of the next. A situation that is far from ideal for the company and, as mentioned, for all those who depend on it