Davalos and Companion again in front of Arias: They will be made official by a copy of the reports


The son of ex-president Michelle Bachelet, Sebastián Dávalos and his wife, Natalia Compagnon will be made official by the so-called copy of eight reports and will meet again with the regional prosecutor of O. Higgins, Emiliano Arias.

The decision made on Wednesday afternoon was that will be charged to Davalos, Companion and also to his badociate, Mauricio Valero, for the alleged responsibility to copy reports to the Chilean Commission of Copper (Cochilco) as part of the investigation for the alleged scam that Caval made to the businessman Gonzalo Vial Concha, according to the newspaper La Tercera . 19659002] According to the prosecutor's office, documents were taken from the Cochilco website and then sold to Vial -en 2012- as his own studies.

The crime would be contemplated in Intellectual Property where it is said that it can not be falsified "work protected by this law, or one who publishes, reproduces or distributes falsely the authorized publisher's name, by deleting or changing the name of the author or the title of the work ".

The legislation also establishes that the sanctions can range from a minimum sentence of imprisonment to a minimum and a fine of between 10 and 1,000 UTM or between 450,000 and 46 million pesos.

The hearing It was scheduled for July 13 at 10:00

In the corner for fraud last Friday, the prosecution asked to extend the investigation during 60 days more than the court has only agreed to extend to five and set for this Friday the closing of the investigation.

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