Day to visit 8 sailboats and discover their stories in Guayaquil | Community | Guayaquil


Huge masts more than eight meters high could be seen in the distance. The flags distinguished each of the three sailboats that arrived by the Gulf waters at the Contecon docks in the south.

Dancistas to the rhythm of the folk notes moved their sky blue and white suits during the arrival of the crew that formed in the sleeves and masts of each boat they greeted with the staff of the consulates and embbadies who bet yesterday in this area.

They installed one by one in the docks. The Peruvian Union ship arrived at 08:10, after the parade, the Chilean Esmeralda spent 08:30 and the Argentine Libertad arrived at 09:30. Each fills with solemnity and music the quay of the port of Buenos Aires

These three ships are among the eight that are part of the regatta Velas Latinoamérica, with which the festivities are open for the 483 years of the founding process of Guayaquil. Five others are distributed in other docks

Before the pbadage of a cargo ship that entered the port and with the three ships was given a brief naval ceremony. Commander Darwin Jarrin, Chief of Naval Operations of the Navy, welcomed the omen that friendship and cultural exchange ties can be more closely linked.

"The Armed is the instrument to further strengthen the bonds of friendship and brotherhood they have strengthened over the years," said Mr. Jarrin. The dance group invited several marinas delegates to dance the folk rhythms at the foot of the pier.

Sebastián Gutiérrez, commander of the Esmeralda training ship, pointed out that the officers could apply their knowledge for a special trip for the 200 years of the Chilean Navy

"We want to teach what we do at sea through our maneuvers, "said the chief of some 263 crew members

Carlos Funes, commander of the Libertad frigate, and Franz Bittrich, of the Union ship, counted. they waited to make known their culture, their history, the equipment and the maneuvers and their gastronomy.

Three of the sailboats, from Venezuela, Brazil and Ecuador, entered the pier earlier, around 08:00. There, families approached with children to enjoy the pbadage.

Román Márquez, of Vinces, was walking along the promenade with his wife and children when the navigation of the sailboats surprised them. "It's fine," he said

Venezuelans living here came to this place to see the sailboat. Daymar Marcano, ex-Venezuelan navy, watched with nostalgia the boat of his country. She would have been there on this tour if she had not decided to leave her country to try her luck here.

"I left because of the political situation, it gives me nostalgia, helplessness, anger and pride, I would like to coincide with the comrades". (I)

Pto. Marítimo (Contecon)
The three biggest sailing boats of the regatta: Union (Peru), Libertad (Argentina) and Esmeralda (Chile) will receive the public from today until Sunday, from 10:00 to 18:00 Pedestrian access to the platforms.

Muelle de la Caraguay
On the municipal pier of Caraguay, located next to the market of the same name, in the district of Cuba, is the Cuauhtémoc of Mexico and Simon Bolivar of Venezuela. They will be open at similar times

Third dock
On the quay of Astinave, located in Vacas Galindo and Luis Vivero, district of Astillero district, will find the Colombian training ship Gloria. This vessel has a length (length) of 67 meters and a radius of 10.6 meters.

Embarkation Wharf
The Guayas Training Ship of Ecuador and the Brazilian Ship C isne Branco will also remain open for tours from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm at the Yacht Club Wharf, Avenue Vélez and Malecón, downtown.

If you visit vessels posted on the Guayas River in the center or south, you can go to Metrovía. The seaport can be reached by bus 118 or Metrovía feeders. Attend with light clothing, sunscreen and moisturizing beverages.

Velas is the best symbol of the Latin American union and what armed women have always sought, exchanges of mutual trust, is the example of fraternity. Union Command (Peru)

That every four years the promotion of the officers is known and shared allows us to foresee that in the future our institutions are more united and therefore our states . We are waiting for you.
Carlos Funes, commander. Libertad (Arg.)

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