DC agrees to support Safe Classroom after his appointment with Minister Blumel


Christian Democracy President Fuad Chahin met with the Secretary General of the Minister of the Presidency, Gonzalo Blumel, in La Moneda, where he promised the community's support for the Safe Clbadroom project during his discussion at the House of Representatives.

At the meeting, which was also attended by Deputy Secretary Claudio Alvarad and MP Gabriel Silber, it was agreed that members of the phalanx would support the initiative as it had been sent by the Senate.

"We spoke to our MPs (…) We believe that the agreement reached by our senators, led by Senator Yasna Provost, is a good agreement that has allowed us to significantly improve a bad initial plan of the government, "Chahin told La Tercera.

have already expressed the desire to make changes to the initiative in the Upper House, either by indications or by motions for amalgamation.

The DC helmsman reiterated that "this bill is about something we share, give peace of mind to the school community and that in reality we stop the violence. from where it comes, in educational institutions. "

However, Fuad Chahin clarified that despite this meeting with Blumel, they continue to criticize the government for the permanence Under-Secretary of Assistance Networks, Luis Castillo.

"We have said it and we underline it, the under-secretary Luis Castillo is not a valid Terlocutor for the DC, we do not recognize any authority, but whoever has the problem, it is the government that has to ban politically a deputy secretary in power, "he said.

Shahin declared that "our opposition is firm, it audits, but we must also be proactive, the Chileans expect us to be able not only to criticize, but also to propose alternatives."

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