Death of the French athlete's measles and spark a worldwide debate against vaccines | International


At the age of two, Marine Eraville was already giving her first battle for life. A heart transplant has put her into action and since then she has grown into frank competition, representing France at the Olympics for transplanted medals, winning medals in swimming at South African editions, d & # 39; Argentina and Spain

most important race last Wednesday. A measles outbreak in southwestern France has truncated all your dreams and those of your family. The declining vaccination rate has promoted the advance of this disease that we thought was already controlled around the world.

Two situations have this French region at constant risk for this disease: the refusal of some to trust the effects of vaccination add to the crisis that this country is experiencing in some cities, where the blanket does not cover the country. is not the greatest that is usually believed on this side of the world. The case of Marine is related to being born in a household where he has not received any vaccines because of his state of health. However, being at the mercy of those who have not been vaccinated, to be able to do so, is the main complaint of those who criticize anti-vaccines

Discussion on social networks after the death of one athlete

since Marine's death has transpired. The debate has also become active on social networks. Twitter, focused the comments of those who are against, or in favor of vaccines. In the latter case, they did not hesitate to attribute the death of the young woman to an anti-vaccination movement that people from several countries consider to be meaningless.

Here are some comments.

This girl is the face of the harm that anti-vaccines do by breaking the group's immunity. With only 2 years and a half, she was transplanted from the heart. Her courage led her to become a swimming champion, she could not be vaccinated because of the transplant. He just died of measles Via @SillobrePitufo

– Vicente Prieto (@jvicenteprieto) July 10, 2018

Marine Eraville
] -16 years
-Brain transferred to 2 years (= immunocompromised)
-Son, fighter; won gold medals at the World Transplant Games

He died by MEASURE in ??; dep

And some MALNACIDOS continue to "play" not to be vaccinated !! #VaccinesWork

– Dr. Bioblogo (@DrBioblogo) July 10, 2018

The death of this fighter because of # antivacunas consequences of not to vaccinate their children and to infect with their diseases to the imnunodeprimidas people. The #antivacunas are responsible for these deaths

– Mar (@ celtaindomita1) July 10, 2018

Even the Spanish singer, Ismael Serrano, who is aware of the current situation in Europe, left his comment after the death of the French athlete. With the death of Marine, there are already 3 deaths in France, up to now in 2018, because of this disease.

Some time ago I wrote in the networks about the need to vaccinate to protect children @s immunocompromised. I was surprised by the belligerence in the responses of some anti-vaccines who advocated their "lifestyle". I said that he was irresponsible and did not support. These are the consequences:

– Ismael Serrano (@SerranoIsmael) July 10, 2018

The cases of measles have climbed in Europe

the newspaper El Español, already alerted since last February by the conclusion of the World Health Organization in figures: they exploded 400% of the cases of this disease on the European continent.

In other words, still in figures, 21 315 cases of measles in 2017 and a total of 35 deaths compared to the year before the report-2016-when the The number of cases was 5,273. As a result, this increase is of concern to WHO and other countries on the continent that are experiencing this health situation.

Romania, Italy and Ukraine are among the 15 most affected countries, out of the 53 that make up the European Union. Part of the situation concerns the anti-vaccine movement that is developing in these countries, according to local reports.

Triple Viral Vaccine

At least in France, President Emmanuel Macrón, has ordered that newborns receive a total of 8 vaccines in their first days of life, among these three viral ña. The goal is to reach a vaccination coverage of 95%.

However, the French state is faced with skepticism of anti-vaccines. The Minister of Health of this country has admitted at a conference, alarming figures, that in 1945, 41% of the French doubted the safety of vaccines and 24% of those who should already be vaccinated against measles did not receive the dose.

The official Agnès Buzyn, then said: " I sincerely ask people who are not vaccinated or who have not vaccinated their children to catch up because at the moment the blanket does not cover. reach not 70% and do not just prevent an epidemic. "

  El Español
El Español

A Truncated Young Life

For Marine Eraville, it is already late. The young French swimmer died despite immunosuppressive treatment for a transplant for 14 years but her immune system became vulnerable to the point that the doctors who followed her led to coma because of the neurological damage that occurred. She had suffered in the past. weeks

His mother said that Marine was still a fighter and that's why her life has spread even more than normal to other people in her situation (by transplant). However, the debate on anti-vaccines in France and the rest of Europe has intensified, directly proportional to the measles epidemic that takes lives in a continent where apparently health, thanks to a good system, is part of their privileges.


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