Decrease in Vice Presidents of the British Conservative Party


July 10, 2018, 14:33 London, June 10 (Prensa Latina) Two Vice Presidents of the Conservative Party of British Prime Minister Theresa May resigned today due to political deference at the position in the negotiations on Brexit (abandonment of the European Union (EU))

In a letter sent Tuesday to the organization's leader, Ben Bradley and Maria Caulfield state that "the creation of A free trade zone after Brexit is fatal for the country ". to transform it into a slave nation, by adopting after its departure the rule book of the regional bloc on the commerce of goods.

The exit of the British politicians takes place in the hours of resignation of the minister in charge of the negotiations for the separation David Davis, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Boris Johnson, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Last Sunday, May wrote to members of her party that, after the agreement reached by the north-west of this capital, the collective responsibility of the new plan is essential and should align with the official strategy.

Johnson, who was mayor of London between May 2008 and May 2016, was one of the leading promoters of the UK's separation from the EU to approve the plebiscite.

After lengthy negotiations, the government announced last week a plan to avoid customs controls and maintain the border with Ireland, with the creation of a free trade zone between the United Kingdom and block with common rules for industrial and agricultural products.

The London Commercial Project aims to focus on goods and to exclude the service sector, as well as to validate a common institutional framework to ensure their consistent interpretation and application. Bilateral agreements between the European Union and the United Kingdom.

Several conservative lawmakers in favor of the Bre He criticized the so-called peace agreement, which they regard as a betrayal of the break with the EU.

On June 23, 2016, decided to leave the community bloc 17 million 410 thousand 742 British (52 percent) and, despite the many meetings between representatives of London and the bloc, important issues such as the border with the Ireland are still pending.

In view of the planned program, a final agreement on Brexit is expected to be ready in October and the separation is scheduled for March 29 next year, but according to experts, compliance with these deadlines is unlikely at the moment.

jf / cdo

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