Defender of Cheyre after a conviction for crimes against human rights: "The general of" never again "is innocent"


This Friday was sentenced for the first time in Chile, since the return of democracy, commander in chief of the army for crimes against humanity: Juan Emilio Cheyre was sentenced to three years and one day of probation for concealment

Mario Carroza's sentence also affected 10 other retired soldiers, all of whom were linked to La Serena's pbadage of the Caravan in October 1973.

The Defense reacted [19659004] Declaration of the lawyer of Juan Emilio Cheyre, Jorge Bofill "clbad =" img img-responsive image-medium "/> Declaration of the lawyer of Juan Emilio Cheyre, Jorge Bofill

After taking knowledge of the sentence, the defense of Cheyre was quick to react.In a statement, the lawyer Jorge Bofill did not hesitate to present his inconvenience.

"We are not satisfied with the decision, Juan Emilio Cheyre is innocent and any other decisio It's unfair, "said Bofill, adding that they would work to achieve a different outcome than justice. "We said and insist: the general who made the army to all Chileans, the general of" never again ", is absolutely innocent," recalled the lawyer.


Among the arguments relied on by the lawyer to support his case, there is the thesis that Cheyre "had neither troops nor command, it was not part of the delegation and that in just 25 years, he knew that he had neither acted nor approved the facts ", of the caravan of death.

"To obtain the commander-in-chief of the army, Don Juan Emilio Cheyre was the subject of a thorough investigation, which sentenced him today, he has even been deprived of his right or that former President Ricardo Lagos could testify as a witness to this informed designation.This decision is a sign of the procedural weakness of the former criminal justice system, which has already been reformed, "said the lawyer.

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