Delayed Delivery of Scenic Eclipse for 2019 – PortalCruceros


By Redacción


The company Scenic Luxury Cruises & Tours announced that the launch of the super luxury ship, Scenic Eclipse will be delayed until the end of January 2019.

In this context, the company indicated that the decision to postpone the initial-drafted delivery for August this year, is due to the shipyard of the company. Uljanik (Croatia) presented a series of problems during the construction of the boat for 228 pbadengers.

Scenic President Glen Moroney said through a statement that "despite the best efforts of our Supervision Build Eclipse Scenic team to compensate for the construction time, we are not ready to compromise the quality of the vessel and potentially have an impact on the guest experience in order to meet the initial launch date of the end of August 2018. "

" We apologize to the guests affected by the inconvenience caused and we confirm that Scenic will provide a full refund for the cost of your Scenic Eclipse cruise and consideration of any other reasonable badociated costs incurred with your travel plans, "he pointed out.

In the same vein, Moroney commented that they will offer benefits to people who had reserved their booths for the inaugural trips to the scenic eclipse.

"The scenic team will work closely with guests to reschedule their trip at the appropriate time, traveling in the next two years." Scenic will provide all customers who will reschedule an Eclipse Scenic trip during this period with a cruise credit future worth 25% of the cost of their cruise booked, "said the president of the company.


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