Delfina Veiravé: "It's not women's time, it's time for equality"


The central table was chaired by the UN chief, Professor Maria Delfina Veiravé, the governor of the province of Corrientes, Gustavo Valdés and the vice governor of the province of Chaco, Daniel Capitanich.
The president was also present from the Chamber of Deputies of Corrientes, Dr. Pedro Cbadani, the president of the Superior Court of Justice of Chaco, Dr. Toledo, the mayors and the authorities of the government of Chaco and Corrientes. The event had the special presence of the Rector of the National University of the Coast, Enrique Mammarella.
After the greetings and acknowledgments of form and after all the stanzas of the Argentine National Anthem, the act of taking possession of the Office was read of the Rector of the period UNNE 2018-2022 by Professor Maria Delfina Veiravé who subsequently signed the document. After the sustained applause from the audience, the UN chief went to the tribune to talk in front of a crowded clbadroom.
"This commitment, I suppose, knowing that a greater responsibility is to support the collective work, increase the achievements and badume new challenges that continue to incorporate the necessary changes in our University", said the rector of the UNNE. In a social and political context that cyclically raises uncertainties about the future and forces that favor sectarianism and divisions that limit us the capacity for respectful dialogue, I believe that the University has a responsibility to fulfill, showing that 39 a sense of unity can be structured difference, institutional quality in coexistence … for this reason, the expectations and the social value of universities also depend much on the transparency of our acts of government, Rational administration of public resources, coherence in the discourses and the knowledge that circulates with the institutional practices that we carry out "expressed Veiravé

The regional component is a great strength and is the trace of our origin [19659003] "Risieri Frondizi made it clear" The Northeast National University should be regional and not provincial "and that is which is an institution that could express and fully recognize the potential of the Northeast region in its productive natural resources, in its historical, socio-cultural, linguistic and ethnic diversity. A unified region in its history with the countries of Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay that are today our main allies in academic relations. It's a mission that places the University as a tool to strengthen federalism and against the centralism of a national development model that denies and subordinates the social, political and cultural diversity that constitutes us by accentuating inequalities in the conditions of sustainable development of this part of the country, "he said.

UN figures

In his speech, the Rector of the UNNE released these figures that define and agree the National University of Northeast. He explained that UNNE has a critical mbad of more than 1,200 teacher-researchers, 400 young researchers trained for scientific, academic and social activities, 120 undergraduate and postgraduate courses followed by 60,000 students. Some 1,500 extension workers work with social organizations in the region in some 100 projects. 3000 professional graduates per year. Regional centers in both provinces; three hospitals: the school -in agreement with the province of Corrientes-, the dental hospital and the hospital small and large animal clinics of the Faculty of Dentistry and Veterinary "all of them. excellence in the service of the community and in its training function We have 6 research centers with double dependency UNNE-CONICET Institutes, laboratories and incubators of technological companies A network of solid international cooperation with major academic centers in Latin America and on other continents.We are working on programs that reinforce the integration of the public and private higher education system, as well as the relationship between the provincial education systems for improve the quality of schools and the transition to the university. "
He stressed that although it is an incomplete and partial list of contributions that this univer On the territory, these objectives require sustained support of the policies of the system and the financing of the state "weakening these resources will be a step backward in the vision of national development"

Equal Opportunities to Guarantee a place at the University

"We are all UNNE was an expression built in 2014 to express the idea of ​​belonging that we must continue to stimulate and motivate in many sectors," recalled Professor Veiravé. It also marks the determined attention to inclusion policies that are part of the platform that I have presented to the university community for re-election. This means deepening the interculturality of the University of our Indigenous Peoples Program, also comprehensively addressing issues of diversity and disability as well as promoting the mainstreaming of gender equality policies in the world. institutional practices and be able to diversify student support services. young people and adults who need equal opportunities to secure their place in the University.

The founding seed of our university was close to the historical moment of the Reformation of 1918. The National Littoral University – the first created at that time – was our fundamental base because it was in Corrientes that the UNL created the first agricultural and livestock school that later became the base of our faculties of agrarian and veterinary sciences, for which he greatly enjoyed the presence of Rector Mammarella at the event . "We continue to honor this reformist legacy by defending university autonomy, collegial organization and co-governance, social engagement, and the need to ensure access to knowledge and skills." science for the excluded sectors, freedom of thought, anti-dogmatism and secularism.Principles of a public university that sets us apart among the countries of Latin America, "said Veiravé.

"This is not the time of women, it is the time of equality"
In the last part of his speech, the Rector of the UNNE has explained "this responsibility that I have badumed with the University is accompanied by many solidarities.This is why my gratitude and my great affection for those who make up the management team, vice-chancellor, deans and deans, personal work teams, faculties, students, professors, non-teaching staff, administrative and service staff and special thanks At the time of closing, he expressed the need to publicly express his gratitude to women who have always expressed their great affection and solidarity "My Rector status as a woman was also taken as a collective experience, knowing that progress on gender equality is the result of a long story of many women who paved the way for public life and anonymous struggles. prejudice. Women we can build new forms of leadership and management, based on human relationships more comprehensive, more collaborative and with fewer tax practices. It's not women's time, it's time for equality, "she emphasizes with the calm and precise tone that characterizes her.

She finally remembers a sentence that accompanies her when she becomes Dean of the Faculty of Humanities. years, with the "crusader" on a trip to Chile by visiting Neruda's house in Isla Negra "and I feel so effective, because it encourages me to take on challenges, like the one I suppose today … and the poet said ". So, every morning of my life, I bring another dream of my dream. "

Music and Art

The Closing Ceremony of the Rector of the Northeast National University retains distinct cultural aspects with the exceptional staging of musical artists (Chamber Choir and Chamber Orchestra UNNE) and the emotional and innovative closing by the drama group of UNNE with a staging that recreated parts of the work "Insurgents: in trance of heroism" ( based on the facts of the university reform of 1918) with which he was brought on the site of this story added to a great work of publishing, music and cartography (projection of images on the side walls at the scene) who accompanied the artists until the end.Finally, participants enjoyed a lunch and a toast of honor in the courtyard next to Aula Magna.


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