Demonstration against Trump's immigration policy brought together more than 30,000 people outside the White House


Thousands of people gathered Saturday in front of the White House in Washington to demand that the Donald Trump government reunite separated families of undocumented migrants because of their measures and that it put an end to the policy of zero tolerance, which criminalizes

The singer Alicia Keys, the actress America Ferrera and the Puerto Rican playwright Lin-Manuel Miranda have led the scene of a demonstration which, according to its organizers, has gathered more than 30 000 people in the center Washington, DC, while 750 other cities across the United States have organized similar marches.

"Our democracy is at stake. Our humanity is at stake. We are here to save the soul of our nation," said Alicia Keys in a moving speech.

Keys and Ferrera, a descendant of Honduran immigrants, read the true stories of a separated mother of his son and a grandfather whose petition greet and take care of his own granddaughter was rejected by the US authorities.

"This fight does not belong to a group of people, to a color, to a genre.It belongs to all of us," said Ferrera, known for his role in the series "Ugly Betty".

Under the slogan "Families belong together," protesters called for more than 2,300 separated children to be reunited since April, following the zero-tolerance policy by which the United States is illegally prosecuting irregularly cross the southern border.

They also demanded the end of this policy and immigration detention camps, in which Trump wants to detain undocumented miners and their families for long periods.

"I live near a center where they are in detention, I think it's ten or fifteen children right now," he told Efe. Alexandra Cornejo, 22 years old

"It's only nine minutes from my home, and I do not know what to do, and that's why I wanted to be here because my family is also an immigrant family, from Mexico and Guatemala, and we have to defend our families, "added Cornejo, who lives in Manbadas, Virginia, just outside of Washington.

last week, Trump signed a decree to stop the separation of immigrant families, but wants to change the laws to be able to detain minors for long periods.

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