Deputies Announce Environmental Investigation Commission in Estero, Quintero | National


Deputies from the Valparaíso region severely criticized the National Oil Company (Enap) and contractor Cavco for the new environmental emergency that occurred in the Mala Cara estero in Quintero, in that an oil slick appeared that would have been produced by pipe-sinking work done by the state company in the place. In addition to announcing the start of an investigation commission, parliamentarians have summoned the oil company to paralyze its operations if they do not demonstrate their ability to avoid these events.

The emergency was the second of its kind in the same week, after the rupture of a matrix of a sewer elevation station, located in Plaza de Armas from Quintero. On this occasion, in the meantime, the contamination of the Mala Cara estuary forced 250 families to be supplied with water by heavy trucks

The deputy of the autonomist movement Diego Ibáñez announced as researcher along with other District 6 parliamentarians – to which Quintero belongs – to learn about the security protocols of Enap and the company Cavco contractors.

Ibáñez said that we can not talk about isolated events but that they are part of an irresponsible business and state.

The member of the House Environment Committee said that he will also look for people responsible for the failure of the decontamination plan of Concón, Quintero and Puchuncaví.

Member of Parliament Andrés Longton of National Renewal shared his questions with the entrepreneur Cavco and badured that will officiate the Directorate General of Water and the Superintendency of the Environment to determine the responsibilities.

Camila Flores, Vice-Inf. District 6 RN, also held Enap responsible and baderted that, if they can not give badurances that their protocols are safe and that they will not cause environmental damage to Quintero, should to paralyze the work.

The parliamentarian stated that she supports the idea of ​​creating a commission investigating this fact, but she also informs of all the industrial cord companies of Concón, Quintero and Puchuncaví for the damage they cause to the environment and the health of people.

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