Designed with paint: Piñera opens a monument to Pedro Aguirre Cerda with the Comic Sans fountain


Maybe it was because you avoided hiring a graphic designer. Maybe the commemorative plaque was created 10 years ago. Perhaps they did not think anyone would notice it or that the "eye" of the duty counselor would suffice.

The truth is that the president of Sebastián Piñera inaugurated this morning the monument to the former petitioner Pedro Aguirre Cerda in the Plaza de la Constitución. Everything is fine if it was not that the commemorative plaque is written using the Comic Sans font.

"Pedro Aguirre Cerda, President of Chile, 1938-1941." Governing it is educating, "says the plaque, which was written using one of the most repudiated sources created by Microsoft [19659002] Comic Sans was created in 1994 and since then criticized by specialists, since it was created from an infant source for Microsoft Bob, the company's software that was sent in 1995 and which was not published.

In addition, according to GQ Magazine, it was designed for short, light texts, and especially to read on screen, used for more serious or academic texts.

] So, immediately the social network users went out to criticize the bad graphic decision.

Check out some of the reviews below:

"I'll make the plates in the comics without, as it's beautiful and young "]

– LaKatybé (@katybecker) July 3, 2018

Bacán the statue of Pedro Aguirre Cerda and all, but they could not use another font that was not Comic Sans?

– Carolina Gigoux Koch (@CarolinaGigoux) July 3, 2018

I'm used to comic without typography for the statue of the Great Pierre …

– Pyramid Marciana (@sonicologo) July 4, 2018

The Government of Chile inaugurates the statue of the former president with plate at Comic Sans https: // t .co / oSlBQCu9ZT

– Ramses Salim (@ramses_salim) July 3, 2018

How to bad make they a badge with Comic Sans ????? #Pedroaguirrecerda

– Felipeiglesias (@Felipeiglesias) July 3, 2018

Thus the statue of President Pedro Aguirre Cerda is with his legend in Comic Sans pic.twitter. com / g5hf8I3tsV

– Nicolás (@NicoSantanderA) July 3, 2018

Governing is Comic Sans.

– Benito Escobar (@escobarvilaben) July 3, 2018

The wn that made the plate of Pedro Aguirre Cerda must be facho. I do not have any other option to think of a person who makes statue plates at Comic Sans.

– Pumba (@pumba) July 3, 2018

The bakan of the plate in Comic Sans from Pedro Aguirre Cerda is that you create an awareness of the importance of typography in ALL DOMAINS. At least we repudiate it instead of normalizing it

– Ana Bolena (@ana_villagran_a) July 3, 2018

The Government of Chile inaugurates the statue of the former president with plaque at Comic Sans https : //

– Francisco Huerta (@pankxo) July 3, 2018

Are you saying that? they created a commemorative plaque at COMIC? WITHOUT?!

– Dear Sir (@Estimado_Senor) July 3, 2018

Monument to Pedro Aguirre Cerda recently inaugurated, with typography "Comic sans"

With what kind of descriptions do you work @ sebastianpinera ?
You started changing this shit plate!

– upelienta_sss (@humanoide_sss) July 3, 2018

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