Destiny 2 is free in Battlenet: tutorial to claim the gift of Blizzard | PC Games | Activision | Call of Duty Black Ops 4 | Steam | Warcraft 3 | Video games


Blizzard went crazy! or at least that's what it seems, since the good news of the redesign of Warcraft 3, whose name will be Reforged, added the news that Battlenet has had recourse to the well-known and welcome strategy of free games as famous on platforms like Steam, GOG and Origin, they hide nothing more and nothing less than Destiny 2 a PC game Triple A with only a year to live, and you can take for free as a result of this detailed tutorial .

Destiny 2 is totally free until November 18th. The news arrived in the last hours and aroused a particular outcry among fans of PC games which can be done with the ambitious video game of Bungie Studios and published by Activision Blizzard, completely free of charge and without much effort.

If you do not know Battlenet you probably need help to get the video game, but do not worry. Here in La República, we will show you the process step by step so that you can enjoy the Destiny 2 in a few steps and for free.

Battlenet is the client / launcher of Blizzard Entertainment, the famous developer who created clbadics such as Starcraft World of Warcraft Diablo Overwatch and many d & rsquo; # 39; others. It has recently become known with the arrival of Call of Duty Black Ops 4, which has left Steam as a platform to offer only by Battlenet.

For now, it seems that this transfer with Destiny 2 is a strategy to attract more customers on the platform with free games . This will be a reason to enjoy it because it is a long promotion that will last until November 18th. Do not leave him for the last moment and take advantage of this tutorial to find you Destiny 2 completely free from Battlenet !

If you already have a Blizzard account, you can only complete steps 3, 4 and 7


Step 1: The first thing you need to do is create an account, This step is very simple and you can do it quickly with your Google Account or Facebook . Create your account Battlenet by accessing this link

Step 2: Fill in the necessary information and complete your registration

 Create your account Battlenet

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