Detailed meteorology how will be the frontal system that arrives this weekend


Rain less than expected, but with strong gusts are expected for this Sunday in the metropolitan area. The frontal system will affect from the region of Coquimbo to Biobío

In this respect, the head of the surveillance and diffusion of of the Chilean Meteorological Department, Arnaldo Zúñiga commented on CNN Chile that the frontal system will arrive Sunday and announced that they have alerted the area of ​​Juan Fernández because it will cause "a real whirlwind", although he stressed that "the good thing is that it will be parked on the coast of Valparaíso inland and will not enter the mainland. "

The greatest rainfall will be in the coastal area, normally it should not to be intense. "Right now, there is no source of moisture that activates it, which is very favorable," he reported.

It should precipitate between 20 and 40 millimeters on the coast and up to 15 millimeters maximum. The interior sector will not be affected by gusts of wind, could reach 20 or 40 km / ha or more.

"During the rainy season should end (…) during the week we probably have another frontal system To Tuesday or Wednesday and an active mbad is scheduled for Friday, so all week we will have a cloudy sky in the capital, "said Arnaldo Zúñiga.

Planned minimum in Santiago from 5 ° to 6 ° and maximum will be between 12 ° and 15 °

"In the south we warned of low temperatures, Aysén will reach 10 degrees below zero."

More details in the attached video.


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