Devastated winter holidays: Argentine destinations dethrone Miami


The sharp devaluation of the peso against the dollar since May, two months before the start of the winter holidays, affected the preferences of the Argentines for a break in July. And the closing of the quote Friday, when it reaches $ 30, will weigh more heavily among those who decide at the last moment.

This year, Argentina's destinations outweigh international destinations. But also, among these, there is a greater importance of loved ones, like several cities in Brazil, compared to other traditional cities, like Miami and New York, leaders in year-round preferences last, according to El Cronista hotel booking websites.'s booking site, for example, records five of the top 10 most popular destinations in July, compared with just three in 2017.

This year, Buenos Aires and Bariloche lead the way ranking, compared to the Argentine capital and Miami last year.

Mirá too

This implies that the "low cost" can sell at prices lower than the current ones. This is for return tickets that are taken 30 days in advance.

But in general, apart from Buenos Aires and Bariloche, Mendoza, Puerto Iguazú and Salta are among the most chosen in the country for this winter, according to,,, Almundo, Despegar and Bibam Group (Byblos and Avantrip). In addition, Ushuaia and El Calafate stand out. has noticed an increase in internal travel. "Bariloche, Mendoza and Salta have grown nearly 200% in searches, while Santiago in Chile is less popular than in 2017. It has dropped considerably in searches in general and for these vacations there is 20% of less, "explains

In addition to the devaluation, the greater supply of domestic flights and air links also encourages travel by the country. "The Argentines are resilient and will make their holidays in one way or another, change their destinations or stay a few days, for the winter holidays we see a change in the weather. travelers' interest in local destinations, "said Marwan. Badran, Senior Director and General Manager of in Latin America

From Bibam Group, they specified that they have registered a demand for both domestic and foreign cities, but because Brazil has grown up in front of & nbsp; Other destinations further afield. "The price difference with Brazil is not as important because we have good deals, which is why it dominates the ranking of international destinations this winter, compared to a year when Miami and New York were the most chosen family, these are domestic destinations more accentuated, "says Bibam Group.

The question is not minor.On Friday, the dollar was 30 dollars, against 20 dollars in early May As prices outside the country quote dollars, such as airline tickets, the difference is automatically transferred to prices.So, while mid-June cost 40%, compared to the end of the year. April, with the price Friday, they increased by almost 50% compared to two months ago and 77% more than a year ago

. Booking sites that still maintain a strong request for destinations abroad, specify that, in general, they are reserv are much earlier than nationals.

"Historically, in winter holidays, national destinations tend to have a higher volume," says Marcelo Grether, director of strategic planning at Despegar.

Those who have booked over time, before the month of May, have paid their travels at $ 20 dollar.You will notice only the impact on the expenses at the destination. "But we think that in the next 15 days, before the holidays, the demand of the nationals will increase again, and for the rest of the year, they will also continue to increase, to the detriment of internationals, "added Grether

.In addition to planning ahead, the World Cup in Russia also helps to maintain some demand in Europe, they have clarified since Almundo.There are some who take advantage of the opportunity to stay a few days in the Old Continent after the World Cup.

the future, no one encourages us to do p precise revisions.But in the sector they coincide in that greater growth of domestic tourism is expected at the expense of the emissive; The high dollar and uncertainty complicate the planning of trips abroad.

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