Diabolic monkeys kill an old brick man in India


  Diabolic monkeys kill an old man with bricks in India

Local police refused to open a case against animals.


When we go out on the street, at least here in in Mexico City we must pay attention to the criminals who seek only to cause the evil. From steal and kidnap until an occasional murder .

However, in some countries, not only criminals but also animals must be cared for .

Recently, it was reported that in the city of Tikri, in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India, a 72-year-old villager died after being attacked with bricks

Incredibly, the attackers were a group of monkeys.

In Thailand, monkeys live like kings

According to information reported by Times of India, Dharampal Singh He was collecting firewood The animals, sitting in a tree tops , threw stones and bricks from a building in ruins.

The man was hit in the head, chest and legs. Although he was admitted to the hospital, he died a few hours later.

The family of the deceased presented a formal complaint after the incident, accusing the monkeys. However, the local police refused to open a case against animals and defined it as "an accident", but relatives do not agree and do not provide not address the higher authorities.

Launched from very high, the bricks were enough to kill him. These monkeys are the real culprits and must pay for it "said a brother of the victim.

A local police officer argued that:

How to register a case against the monkeys? This will make us laughing.I do not think this is a logical request.We have been informed of the strange incident and we have recorded it in our diary after which an autopsy was also performed. "

*** MJPR ***


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