Dialogan Peña and Trudeau on the response to EU tariffs


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President Enrique Peña Nieto and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke yesterday about the scope of the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the two countries' responses to tariffs imposed by Donald Trump, President of the United States, and the progress of the Trans-Pacific Partnership's Comprehensive and Progressive Treaty (CPPP, also known as TPP-11).

During a phone call, they discussed progress made in the approval of TPP-11. which was presented to the Parliament of Canada last May and is currently being discussed.

"This agreement will allow Mexico to expand its trade openness in the most dynamic area of ​​the world, the Asian market", reported the Presidency of the Republic

In addition, he recalled that the States United States, Canada and Mexico had begun negotiations in 2017 to modernize NAFTA, in force since 1994, in order to. According to a statement from the Government of Canada, leaders "reaffirmed the close friendship and the partnership between Canada and Mexico and talked about the next Mexican elections on July 1. "

The last 31 years May, Peña Nieto and Trudeau regretted and expressed their rejection of the US decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from both countries and from the European Union, according to a national security criterion

. The Government of Canada yesterday announced retaliation against the import of US products for $ 12.6 billion, including products such as orange juice, ketchup and bourbon.

In addition, tariffs of 25% on the Government of Canada announced that it will support the steel and aluminum industries with $ 1.5 billion to offset damage to businesses and workers through taxes. Washington has imposed on metals since June 1st.

GM rejects the tariffs . Import tariffs on the auto sector that the White House plans to implement could lead General Motors (GM) to cut jobs and raise prices for its vehicles in the US, the company warned. reduce the size of GM, its presence at home and abroad of this iconic American company and risk reducing jobs instead of increasing them, "writes the firm in comments sent to the Ministry of Commerce.

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