Digitization of commerce saves 30% of operating costs


The digitization of companies can save up to 30% of the costs of some processes, but will bring about changes in the world of work and in the protection of national production, warned Efe, expert in the matter. Jorge Correa, Ecommerce Officer of the Digicel Group Panama, explained that today, in Latin America, only 22% of gross regional product (GDP) corresponds to e-commerce, but that it is increasing.

"If we talk about Central America, it reaches 10% of GDP and if there is only Panama, we are between 3% and 4%, but that is This is an irreversible trend that is expected to grow in double digits across the region, "said Correa, who took one a year ago. digitize Panamanian operations of the Bermuda-based company.

But the expert in digital marketing warned that, given the exponential growth of e-commerce, at least Panama believes that legislation must ensure that the consumption of domestic production is guaranteed.

He cites as an example that in his country, Amazon "sells every year more" online "than many stores, and that it is about imported products. United States.

On the development of this new mode of transaction has indicated that "the educational process is still necessary" overcrowded so that the consumer appreciates the benefits that he offers.

He cited as an example that in his company After a year of digitizing their sales and services, buyers have "rejected 12%" of buyers because they understood that what they were asking for were It was not what they had thought to acquire. [19659002] "Companies must understand that this is irreversible and that the one that is not digitized will simply disappear" and that the pioneers are those who sell the airline and hotel ticket services, the retail sale of clothes and mobile phones.

Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Colombia, in this order, led the development of electronic commerce in Latin America, he said. In Central America, it is Panama that has a long way ahead of its neighbors.

Savings are generated by less use of staff, documentation, time ", but the most important is the catalog, we now integrate the video for the consumer to enjoy the product, although most still information flat (text and photo only), "he admitted.

"The power now belongs to whoever manages the information, not to the one who has the most money, which is proven all over the world, the economic intelligence is the most valuable, you can segment the products you offer to a consumer based on your brand, location, color, habits, requirements. "

The product delivery time by DFO is 24 to 48 hours, but in the case of a drug or food, it is immediate and, if necessary, mobile phones purchased through your page take 2 hours to Panama City.

Due to the lack of banking services at the national level, the "cash on delivery" method was put in place to make the consumer believe that he was not the victim of a scam. .

Although he recognized that he was already living in other latitudes, in Panama. the changes in the business model did not result in job destruction, but he said that this was going to happen and that people must be prepared for these changes.

"It's an irreversible trend, as seen in Spain, United, or Canada," he said.

Regarding sales growth, he said that in 18 months, the growth of e-commerce should be more felt and that in terms of resumption of investments for the digitization of operations, it is estimated that in: about 2 years should reach the breakeven point, since the sales increases are "10 to 20% per month".

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