Diosdado Cabelllo: This Tuesday will begin the municipal plenary of UBch


.N .- Monday the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), announced that as of Tuesday, they will begin a municipal plenary session of UBch where 335 municipalities will be mobilized. [19659003] At a press conference given by the National Directorate Del Psuv, the first vice-president of the party, Diosdado Cabello reported that the plenary will be held in order to collect proposals from the people and treat them later IV Congress of the red canopy that will take place between July 28 and 30.

The activity is part of the agenda for this week with the motive of "From Bolivar to Chávez" where there will also be an exhibition of the seven years of the system prison, the celebration of the 64th birthday of Hugo Chávez, among others.

On the other hand, Cabello said that among the subjects say The first vice president of the party explained that if something was to happen to a country that shares the same political ideals of the Venezuelan government.

"A socialist revolution does not happen alone, it needs the support of other countries.

In this sense, he emphasized the participation of the nations of South America and the Caribbean that were present in the world. XXIV Annual Meeting of the Sao Paulo Forum, which was held from July 15 to July 17 in Cuba. Cabello expressed the importance of the union of these countries to continue to defend together the revolutionary ideals.

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