Discover which foods improve sperm quality


Presented at the Congress of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology, a trial measured the conventional parameters of spermatic and molecular changes over a 14-week period in which 119 healthy men between 18 and 35 years old consumed 60 grams

During this period not only sperm parameters were recorded – according to the reference points of the World Health Organization – but also changes in several molecular factors such as fragmentation of sperm DNA.

sperm and blood samples from the beginning with those of week 14, scientists, led by Albert Salas-Huetos, supported the beneficial role of nuts and reflected the need for research on specific dietary recommendations for men of childbearing age

During the study, participants showed significant improvements in their sperm count, vitality, moti and morphology, consistent with the findings of other investigations with diets rich in omega-3, antioxidants and folic acid. Nuts are foods that contain a lot of these nutrients and other phytochemicals.

Salas-Huetos noted that, although the results have a high level of scientific evidence, they can not be extrapolated to the general population

. a steady decline in the quantity and quality of human sperm, attributed in developed countries to pollution, smoking and trends towards a western diet.

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