Dismantle the Colombian gang that trafficked drugs near schools and squares


Four Colombian citizens (two women and two men)
were arrested by the OS7 of Carabineros for the production and marketing
of marijuana
in the sector Mirasol of Puerto Montt .

In the proceedings of the appeal "Caribbean Operation" ,
seized 16 plants, one kilogram of 159 grams of processed marijuana and 32.7 grams
of pressed marijuana
in addition to 56 thousand pesos in cash, a numerical weight and
a revolver of white

All this equates to some 8 thousand doses evaluated at 15
million pesos in total
as estimated by the head of OS7, the captain Luis Morales .

The operation took place after nearly three months of
during which it was determined that the detainees
maintained their center of operations in the area of ​​ Las Barrancas where
They occupied two buildings. "We established that a house was the collection center and the
another where they sold marijuana, "said the policeman
statements published by the newspaper El Llanquihue .

Morales claimed that traffickers operated close to two
educational institutions and close to the places where they play
. "A view and patience of these miners and neighbors of the sector,
We were able to check in the surveillance how the detainees were selling
drug We are struck by the little care they had for sale ",

Meanwhile, the governor Leticia Oyarce says that
"We want to make the call for citizenship
do not be afraid to denounce and this reflects the work that allows
that the carabineers confiscate more than 8,000 doses of marijuana. "

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