Disposable life in the Amazonian era


"But the human consciousness does not pbadively reflect the objective conditions, it has a habit of reacting actively to them, and at times this reaction acquires a mbad, tense, pbadionate character. Law and power collapse.Accurately, the active intervention of the mbades in events is the main element of the revolution. "

(Excerpt from Leon Trotsky's conference in Copenhagen, November 27, 1932)

When a person earns millions of dollars a day while his employees perform a ten-hour work day with poor pay, with a constant monitoring even in the short breaks of fifteen minutes-the time space used, usually to go to the bathroom-you can not talk about justice; We can not even discuss the free market against socialism.

No world can be bearable when there are people who, under artificial light, can not stay ten hours, eat thirty minutes and lack wages. for the food. These same people do not have the right to talk to their colleagues and when they get sick, they are thrown on the street, replaced by other people until they happen. in the same way and then be replaced by others. These are just numbers; their lives are of no importance to the billionaire entrepreneurs who see in them only the work force without which they could never realize their disproportionate dreams stemming from an exacerbated ego, from narcissism the most cruel which does not benefit the admirers any less

. The main objective of the bourgeoisie, its reason for existence is the material gain; that is to say that money is the main element with which they feed their ego and arouse their narcissistic illusions.

The Amazon is one more case of brutal exploitation where the oppressor is not convicted; completely the opposite. In fact, they are trying to make its director and founder, Jeff Bezos, a source of inspiration for the young entrepreneurs of the world, as if to multiply a fortune by hurting the bodies and minds of others , have some merit. For whom success means surpbading others financially, it is easier not to ask questions, not to dig deeper how to increase a personal fortune like Bezos

. indifference, lack of empathy, laziness, excessive ambition, all the ingredients that merge so that a high-end entrepreneur can be happy while destroying the lives of so many people.

The simplest is to defend the free market. – put on blinkers and look towards the goal, even if on the way people are destroyed by long hours of hard work, monitored, without any form of encouragement, without respect for the workers who, according to the senator of United States of America, Bernie Sanders – appear as disposables in the eyes of people like Jeff Bezos.

I make the reservation that Bernie Sanders does not stop being a supporter of capitalism Thus, although he belongs to the left wing branch of the Democratic Party, and although he is not a fan of capitalism. he has repeatedly mentioned that the solution lies in socialism, he is a democrat who seeks only to reform capitalism and not to put an end to it.

The solution? First, do not buy anything from Amazon. A beautiful campaign to boycott the brand. And give all the support to the workers so that they can win in their struggle. Then it would be a breakthrough in American politics. UU that the workers took the direction of the company, as it happened here with Zanon (FaSinPat) and Madygraf (ex Donnelley) to mention two clear examples that it is possible to break with the Employers exploitation, not without patience or perseverance, planning and strength

I translate below, the video that I saw recently on the page of Senator Bernie Sanders on the history of Seth King, former worker of Amazon.

Seth King: – It's hard to talk about that, but there was a moment when I found myself crying during my shift, and I hid myself so people would not do not see. I felt that I did not want to be more alive if it was the future to which I should have waited. Every day I drove went to work tiring … I thought that when I arrived I was expecting a 10-hour shift. My feet hurt all the time

Jeff Bezos: – I'm very proud of the culture we have on Amazon.

Bernie Sanders: – Seth King is a former worker of Amazon and is a veteran of the US Navy. Served 8 years in the Navy; Seth King: – Yes (to Bernie Sanders). (Referring to the interviewer) – I was used to physically demanding work. There are not many jobs that I think I can not do after being in the army, but I was wrong. The Amazon model is essentially a revolving door where bodies are thrown on the floor. At first I was rather optimistic, and then, on the first day, you realize that you are going to get a lot of things from you. You have more or less ten or fifteen minutes after signing that you are with everyone in your area and that people are doing a little elongation. They give you a scanner, you save the start time in the scanner; I was a handler, so I had a basket containing a lot of boxes inside, I scanned them all and then I opened them one by one and also the containers where they were going to go. Stop.

We were always given this pace at the beginning of the round, but no matter how much I tried, even on the days when I thought I was doing very well, I fell 20% less than the goal that they I had fixed. And I do not know if I've already met someone who has reached those numbers. It still seemed inaccessible

(on the show with Bernie Sanders) – You do not have the right to sit down, you do not have the right to talk to other people in your hallway ; If one discovers that one speaks to others, one reports you

(Again in the interview) Lack of social interaction, I think it is something mentally unbearable. Gradually, I became more difficult, while I felt more and more out of the world. You have fifteen-minute breaks and a thirty-minute lunch space; and even when there are those fifteen-minute breaks, if you want to go to the break room these fifteen minutes, you have to walk five minutes to get out of the apartment, and five more to come back, and you're followed every second of the day. Whenever you get out of there, someone looks at you.

You go to your recess and when you come back, at the fifteenth minute, you must already scan an object and place it in the container. So even if you arrived early, you should already do it. I had used these fifteen minutes to go to the bathroom, because if I had gone to the bathroom outside of free time, a supervisor of the Would have come to ask me why I was not productive

) – The first day of training, we started with thirty people, and for the fourth day, there is no was only eight because many realized that they could not because of the physical exigency of their work

I realized immediately, but I needed to # 39; money. I thought that as soon as I left, I would go to my house and I would do it. Towards the end of my stay there, I was so depressed and I thought to myself, "If that's the best thing I can have in life, why am I still killing myself?" ? " (19659002). And I called one of my best friends, and she told me, "If working out there really makes you feel like you're taking your own life for the job you're doing." do, do not work there. There is no workplace that should make you feel like that. And then I left, and … (applause)

Jeff Bezos: – On the working conditions, I am very proud of our conditions

Seth King: – Look at how much money he earns … it will never be your concern whether we are good or not. For the balance of Amazon, we are just a statistic.

There was an older lady; She and I always ended up meeting each other when we were upstairs, each week she had a new orthosis, since she wanted to be able to cope with the demands of work. It was already hurting me, and I'm still twenty, fresh out of the navy, and I had to see her working under the same conditions as me, which literally broke her.

Bernie Sanders: – This is a company whose owner owns a wealth that grows by $ 275 million a day. And that's the kind of conditions in which the workers of Mr. Bezos live.

Bruce Turkel (CEO of Turkel Brands): – Maybe, that's why Amazon is experimenting with drones, because they work and do not complain.

Seth King: – It's pretty ridiculous that the richest man in the world has people working full time on Amazon, and these people have to ask for food coupons because They do not have enough to live on.

Bernie Sanders: – Listening to these stories, it speaks of the incredible culture of greed in this country. I mean what Seth told us. People are somehow disposable. So we take someone to a point of no return, we remove it and replace it with another person. We must ask ourselves a fundamental question, if that is the kind of country we want and the type of economic culture with which we are comfortable. I think most Americans do not want it.

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