Divers find "mountain range of beer cans" in Llanquihue Lake | National


The sports dive club Los Cangrejos has made a preliminary examination of the cleaning that they intend to perform this July 14, to repeat the activity of December 2017 and clean the bottom of Lake Llanquihue Los Lagos area

On this occasion, in particular, the divers removed a total of two tons of garbage from the plan. water, which would accumulate by the action of some currents, but which would definitely reach the lake in the action of man

In conversation with El Heraldo Austral, the group's president Puerto Varas lifeboats, Jimmy Schwabe, an entity that supported the work of the divers, confirmed that a large amount of cans had been found at the site.

  Club Los Cangrejos
Club Los Cangrejos

"We see young people drinking beer by the water every weekend that they leave on the beach or throw them with water. sand in the lake, "he says. However, with this waste were also bags, glbad bottles and bags.

"(Trash) It is like a mountain range that is formed in front of the office of the harbor captain and at the height of the private marina, which extends parallel to the seafront up to the height of the street Antonio Varas, prevents the waste from reaching the middle of the lake, "he said

but in other areas of Llanquihue, for example the bay between Cerro Philippi and the pier live a similar situation

  Club Los Cangrejos
Club Los Cangrejos

Some time ago they cleaned and removed "signs of pvc, chairs in the square, supermarket trolleys, many capes of the same boats that are cut in winter and no cleaning, bags and beer cans," but today Is still very dirty says Schwabe.

Registrations for the n A new cleaning day is already open, but at the same time it jeopardizes its realization because of the theft suffered by a team of Los Cangrejos this weekend.

According to the Diario Puerto Varas, "four members of the club were stolen .. diving is essential for the deep cleaning of Lake Llanquihue scheduled for Saturday, July 14."

The evaluation of stolen equipment amounted to 4.5 million pesos and includes items such as dry suits and shock absorbers, compensating vests, first and second stage regulators, fins, knives, flashlights and diving gloves .

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