Division of the Bío Bío region and doubts about the regional development strategy


At the beginning of this week, political leaders of twelve parties of the region met in the Intendance after an invitation from the highest authority of Bío Bío, Jorge Ulloa [19659002] As stated by the last, the meeting aimed to exchange ideas and visions of the Region, as well as to declare that the current administration would have an open door policy.

However, in the end Mr. Ulloa pointed out that one of the points that sparked the most debate and opinion was the future of the Regional Development Strategy (ERD) 2015-2030.

"We are not talking about starting from scratch.The companies do not leave a government, but what we have to do, from a certain point of view, is the separation of Part of the Region from the geographical and physical point of view, we consider a readjustment and try to incorporate in the Strategy "said the mayor of Bío Bío.

On this occasion, the authority added that "it was very important to listen to different opinions, with the utmost respect, and of course everyone's presence. all of the Region, respecting our differences (…) .We can not start from scratch and that's where we all agree. "

The curious thing, at least, is that although there are differences with respect to the regional planning instrument, the entry into force of the new Ñuble area of ​​September (change, modify or adjust, are some of the verbs used), there is a section in the document which specifically mentions the new administrative territory. [19659002] On page 61, under the heading "About the New Region of Ñuble ", the strategy still in force says that the new territory was considered to the extent and that "for the future Ñuble Region will make a useful contribution to the design of their own planning instruments. "

It is added in the document that" as a region of Bío Bío, we are committed to the success of the process of constitution of the new Régie n Ñuble, thanks to the contribution of the necessary material and human resources. We are convinced that not only do we have a common past, but that we share the same destiny in view of our relationship of proximity and territorial complementarity, cultural, social, logistical and productive. Ñuble and Bío Bío will continue to be an essential part of the soul and center of Chile. "

Opinions [19659011] However, the discussion is ongoing.

One of the political leaders who attended the meeting was ] PPD regional president, Bernardo Daroch who was also a regional councilor (core) and, as such, participated in the creation of the DRE 2008 – 2015.

"Strategies are the main lines of work on which public and governmental structures should be guided In this field, the work that has been done is understood as the way in which the decisions of local governments should pbad, "commented the leader.

He added that for the opposition parties, especially the members of the former New Majority. , the instrument still in effect "has a relationship with a long look."

"We must remember that it was absolutely participatory, with the realization of several events and moderated by the technical teams of the Universidad del Bío Bío (UBB).) In this area, it gives us trust and we believe that a good job has been developed. "

Another opposition leader who was part of the meeting was the current PR helmsman, Javier Belloy.

The radical, who was an adviser During the preparation of the instrument that emerged in the administration of Mayor Rodrigo Díaz, he was more categorical.

"We can not accept a change to the Regional Development Strategy, because it is not the government of Michelle Bachelet or the former mayor, Díaz, is from the region," said the radical leader.

Only Adjustments

"Under the creation of the Ñuble region and its separation from our Bío Bío region, is necessary Reflect on how regional development will focus on the remaining three provinces. It is good to be able to update the Strategy. "

The previous sentence comes from the current President of the Regional Council (Core), Flor Weisse, who also feels it is necessary to make changes. to the so-called Regional Navigation Letter . 19659002] "The current is in effect and I see that adjustments can be made, in some cases fundamental changes can be made and in others not so much."

Eduardo Muñoz (DC) was the president of Core at the time the work of the current strategy was completed.

"ERD is a planning instrument and as such, of course, it will always be subject to revision.For years, facts are raised, either by natural causes or by administrative decisions, which modify the plans thought for a certain territory.Therefore, I do not close to the possibility that it must be revised, especially, by the creation of the Region of Ñuble ", commented on the 39, former helmsman of the Heart.

Notwithstanding the above, said that such a review should focus on specific issues and maintain what is already established as a 15-year roadmap.

"Serious and participative work was done … it was a finished job.I think what we need to do now, is to accommodate the new reality which means having a region with three provinces and not four, I would not agree if a clean slate is done, "he said.

Muñoz, was president of the Council for two years, in the first period that the representatives of the body were elected by popular vote. However, before he was five years old. In other words, he worked on the basis of two strategies, current and previous, that of 2008 – 2015.

He explained "that maybe he does not take as much care as the public could think, but he is used when some projects are studied, especially those related to the environmental impact, and other major, which must be in accordance with the guidelines of the strategy.Therefore, if a project s & # 39; contrary to the directives of the strategy, it can not be developed. The strategy is a navigational map, a scratch on the ground. "


At this point, it should be noted that In January of this year, Corporación Desarrolla Bío Bío presented the results of a study commissioned at the University of La Frontera (Ufro), which aimed to establish the degree of knowledge and use of the instrument. It has been established that 74% of those consulted reported using the planning instrument (there were 118 regional decision-makers, among seremis, directors and department heads)

those who answered the closed questionnaire, 91.3% said they knew the regional strategy, of which 42.6% said to have read "at least once" and 39.3% "a or twice ".

With respect to the use of the ERD, 74.6% reported using it, and in the periodicity of application, 55.8% reported the use of the ERD, have used in their respective departments "a few times a year".

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