Dlar advance $ 4.30 and reached a new high since December 2012


Dlar advance $ 4.30 and reach a new maximum since December 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Economic Affairs and Online

Future Value

The dollar in Chile closes the day with a new advance, this time from $ 4.30 to the $ 649.80 purchase and the sale of $ 650.10

In this way, the "greenback" has reached its highest value since the December 12, 2017, when closing $ 654.10

For its part, the amount negotiated during the day reached 1,700 million US dollars, or $ 30 million more than the US $ 1,670 million reached yesterday.

The day was marked by a 0.57% drop, the fourth in a row, with which the copper on the London Metal Exchange (LME) closed Thursday, to be traded at US $ 3,01639 per pound. counted "grade A", a value that compares to the United States $ 3.03363 for Wednesday and $ 3.04451 for Tuesday

This is the lowest level since April 4, when the red metal was at price of US $ 3.50505 per pound.

On the other hand, the US economy grew at an annual rate of 2.0% in the first quarter of 2018, according to the latest reading reported Thursday by the US government.

The 2.0% growth in the first quarter was less than 2.2% expected by the market, which was the figure reported at second reading last month.

Bci Estudios commented that "Latin American currencies show significant recent increases, attributed to greater risk aversion to the region in the face of political uncertainty in some countries and the global strengthening of the dollar. raw metal prices are falling and stock market volatility indicators are pushed up. "


Daniel Merio of XTB Latam said" the dollar should remain bullish, targeting areas close to $ 650. pesos per dollar. "

Meanwhile, Bci Estudios commented that" the greatest tension badociated with US trade policy persists.This will be temporary and the fundamentals will lead to a gradual decline in the exchange rate towards the end of the year. "

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