Dlar closes with a decline of $ 3.00 after "respiro" in the price of copper


Dlar farm with a decrease of $ 3.00 after "respiro" in the price of copper

Friday, July 20, 2018

Economy and e-commerce

Future Value

The dollar in Chile closed the day with a decrease from $ 3.00 to $ 659.70 from purchase and $ 660.00 from sale

The amount negotiated during the day reached US $ 1.322 million, US $ 309 million less than US $ 1.631 million. which was recorded yesterday.

The day was marked by the 1.52% increase with which to close the copper in the London Metal Exchange (LME), trading at US $ 2.75467 per pound "A grade", a level that compares to US $ 2.71339 Thursday and US $ 2.75240 Wednesday

This is the first advance of the red metal, after eight consecutive sessions of declines.

On the other hand, the euro has risen sharply today after US President Donald Trump criticized the Federal Reserve 's (Fed) interest rate hikes. .

oneda nica was replaced around 15:55 GMT at 1,1712 US $, against 1,1615 US $ in the last hours of the European currency market the day before

Daniel Merio of XTB Latam that "the greenback is retreating to 0.75% because of the weakness of the world currency following comments by Donald Trump, and the increase in copper due to the possibility of a strike at the Lumina Minera ".

In this line, projects that "for the moment, the exchange rate should remain in the order of $ 660 and $ 657".

For its part, Bci Studies stated that "economic fundamentals, on the other hand, indicate a slight weight gain, under the badumption of a moderation of trade-related tensions." however, copper will be lower than expected at the end of the year, at about US $ 3.0 / lb. This will lead to a gradual reversal of the exchange rate to $ 635 in the coming months. "[19659014] Imprimir Noticia ” border=”0″ />   Enviar Noticia

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