Do not exercise is worse than smoking, diabetes or heart disease – Noticias Ya


(NEWS YA) .- A sedentary lifestyle is worse for health than smoking, diabetes and heart disease, warns new study published last Friday in JAMA Network magazine Open. 19659002] We have all heard that exercise allows you to live longer, but this study went further.

"We all know that a sedentary lifestyle or not being fit presents some risks. But I am surprised that exceeds even the risk factors as strong as smoking, the Diabetes or even a terminal illness " said Dr. Wael Jaber, a cardiologist at Cleveland Clinic and senior author of the study, noted the results as" extremely surprising ".

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"Being out of shape and not running well on a treadmill or a test the prognosis is worse in terms of death than hypertension, diabetes or smoking, " Jaber told CNN.

Researchers must now pbad the risks to the population that "being out of shape should be considered as risk factor as potent as hypertension, diabetes and smoking, s & dquo; He's not more powerful than everyone else, "he insists.

"He should be treated almost like a disease that has a prescription, something that is called exercise," he said.

According to CNN, for the study, we badyzed 122,007 patients who underwent a Treadmill Stress Test at the Cleveland Clinic to measure mortality for all benefit-related causes exercise and fitness.

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Jaber said the other great revelation of research is that a good physical condition leads to a longer life, without any limit to the benefit of aerobics exercises. "No level of physical activity or fitness puts you at risk," he said.

"In this study, the most able people got better results," said Metzl, who did not participate in the study.

The benefits of exercise were observed at all ages and in both men and women, "probably a bit more pronounced among women," "according to the study

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Dr. Jordan Metzl, specialist in sports medicine at the Hospital of Special Surgeries, said that "cardiovascular disease and diabetes are the most expensive diseases in the United States. "

We spend more than $ 200 billion a year to treat these diseases and their complications.

" Instead of paying large sums for the treatment of the disease, we must encourage our patients and communities must be active and exercise every day, "said the specialist.

And you, do you make the # 39, physical activity during the week?

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