Do not say that we did not warn you: price increases are starting this Sunday


The process of adapting medical plans to Isaapr begins on July 1 and will end in June 2019, that is why d es of this Sunday will start the rise of the plans for the future. ; Isapres.

As reported by the Superintendency of Health, there will be 1,760,166 people affected by this change in value in the contracts, which would be half of the portfolio.

There will be three isapres that will change their prices with an upward trend: Cruz Blanca (7.7%), Colmena (4.8%) and Consalud (4.7%).

But all is not lost, because in case of disagreement With the increase in the price of contracts, there are three possible alternatives; accept an alternative plan, terminate the contract or file an appeal for protection and complain to the Superintendency of Health to avoid the increase.

According to the Altura Management Board of Health, at The Third, in the first half of this year, affiliates in Isapres submitted a total of 69,620 calls for protection in the courts of appeal of the countries, to contain the rise in prices of their plans, up 7.7% from the same period last year, when 64,659 cases were recorded.

Victoria Beaumont, managing director of Altura Management, explained that "the increase in protection resources occurs mainly because of the requirements presented in the regions."

He added that it is expected that this year, about 8% of the portfolio of individual plans will be continued. "We projected 140 thousand resources, with approximate costs of $ 15 billion" explains Beaumont

It should be mentioned that the companies that will not apply the increase are Banmedica, Vida Tres and Nueva Masvida.

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