"Do not touch and do not hug them": Isolated children who have left the cave because of the risk of infection


The four boys who left on Sunday in an urgent and dangerous operation that forced them to dive into the narrow, dark, winding pbadages of the cave are happy and healthy, according to the authorities.

This morning, they said that they were hungry and that they wanted to eat khao and grapao, "said the governor of Chiang Rai Province, Narongsak Osatanakorn, referring to a dish Thai fried meat with chili and basil.

boys undergo medical examinations in the capital of the province and have not been able to have close contact with their families for fear The parents were able to see them through a drink, said the governor

Thai health officials: the surviving boys will be isolated for 1-2 days, in a sterilized isolation ward, which means that they will not have any physical contact with their parents – a heartbreaking and necessary precaution at a time when all these children and parents want to hug each other. pic.twitter.com/ 4efURwzBIF

– Matt Rivers (@MattRiversCNN) [1945] 9011] July 8, 2018

Dr. Thongchai Lertwilairattanapong, Inspector of the Thai Ministry of Health, explained that the four rescued children underwent a series of tests at Prachanukroh Hospital in Chiang Rai

Thongchai at Thai daily Kom Chad Lek, that children should be able to see their close relatives later this Monday after they are finished testing but warned that there should be no physical contact until the results of the blood tests are known.

Visitors can only meet and talk with patients, "he said. [los visitantes] should leave a distance of one to two meters of patients until the results of their blood tests are known, "said the doctor.

Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-Ocha He will burn in the area of ​​operations to supervise the rescue device, to which 90 divers participate: 40 Thais and 50 other nationalities.

The rescue keeps the public in suspense in Thailand and abroad, and journalists from all over the world went to this town near the border with Myanmar to report the results of history.


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