Do you have any memories before three years? They are probably wrong


Do you remember the first fight with your brothers, or who was your favorite toy then? How old were you? If your first memory is before the age of three, there is a good chance it will not be true.

A survey conducted by three British units (City, Bradford and Nottingham Trent), found that 38.6% of the 6.6641 subjects for work, said to have memories of being two years old, while 893 participants have traced these memories to an age before the year of life. However, science says that humans can not remember what happened before the age of three.

According to Science Daily, researchers asked volunteers to talk about their first memory and their age. remembered. The idea was to do it without resorting to photographs, to testimonies of parents or other sources.

Scientists have sought to know what reasons might justify the fact that volunteers claimed to have memories of an age memories are not preserved. According to the researchers, these false memories are composed of "fragments of experiences" – places, objects, sensations – mixed with stories that they have heard throughout their lives, or with information obtained by them. photographs

. the specialized journal Psychological Science, revealed that these fictitious memories are more common among people of middle age and the elderly.

Martin Conway, director of the Center for Memory and Law at City University, said the first memories reported by volunteers revolve around a stroller. For the co-author, these memories may result from hearing someone refer to this object. "The person imagines what it would be," he says

On the other hand, it is not uncommon for these fragments to become memories to which other details are added. "The person who has these memories or knows that they are fictitious, when they are told that their memories are wrong, they often do not believe them."

Montevideo Portal

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