Do you have trouble getting up in the morning? This could be the striking reason


Dysanyism is one of the symptoms of certain psychological diseases such as depression. This causes people who have trouble getting up in the morning.

At one point, everyone heard the alarm clock at tomorrow and we did not want to get up. It may be because it is not sunny or we are very tired. However, it is not normal for this to happen constantly. It may mean that you have dysanyia.

"Dysania is a little-known term used to refer to people who can not get up in the morning.This is a behavior that can be observed in people with major depressive disorder," he said. said Three Mark Salter, doctor of the UK College of Psychiatrists at the BBC. as usual, but it is a chronic inability to get up from bed. People who suffer from it stay in bed for days and feel anxious when they think about getting up. They may even need to go back to bed when they spend time away from home.

Experts explain that it is not a disease, but rather a symptom of an underlying psychological or physical condition. Depression is one of the most common causes of this disease. "Depression can affect the body in a variety of ways: Sleep disorders, lethargy, and morning waking morning are physical symptoms of depression," said Salter. Often, it is one of the indications of the diagnosis of this disease.

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