Do you like games? Know 5 aspects that will help you to be a real player | Technology


It is no mystery to anyone that the marketer has become an increasingly popular trend.

Companies are aware of this, that is why they have been concerned about developing devices designed to help the experience of fans of video games

While there are some years ago it was enough to have a computer with an internet connection, nowadays it is common to find products such as special headphones with high resolution and extremely powerful graphics cards.

That's why if you like video games, and you plan to update the tools you play with, here is a list of 5 aspects in which you should look yes or yes.

1- Hearing Aids

The experience at the time of testing a title must be complete, that is why it is important not to neglect the subject of audio.

Keep in mind that you will often play in a room full of other gamers which will make excellent hearing aids a great alternative.

until a while ago it was enough with simple headphones to compete in games, nowadays the market offers all kinds of gaming headsets.

  HyperX Cloud Alpha
HyperX Cloud Alpha

In this sense, in stores like PC Factory we can find the simplest models, which include pads to isolate the sound, to the most sophisticated, those who have a broad spectrum of frequencies offering an exceptional audio quality, both the one we hear and that

2- Monitor

There is no doubt that another important aspect for each player is that of the picture, by what the monitor should be carefully selected.

The first thing you should consider is the size of the monitor you want for yourself.

While some prefer to play on screens as wide as possible, others opt for more standard monitors. Of course, in the world of gaming, we consider that the greatest, the best

  Monitor Gamer 34
Monitor Gamer 34 "LG 34UC79G

For its part, the Input Lag is another one of the sections in which you need to be careful, especially if you intend to play in a relatively competitive way.

Those who do not know this concept, are nothing more than the time which has been flowing since the image is generated from a device (such as a console) until we see it on the screen. [19659002] In general, it is considered that between 4 and 8 ms is acceptable, although those who are more expert in insurance will opt for a range of 1 and 2 ms To check this, you should only check the [temps de réponse] only on the data sheet of a monitor.

3- Graphic Card

If you want to enter the world of players, you will need to get a grap card hique

Basically, it is an extension card of the PC motherboard that processes the data from the CPU to turn them into representable information on the output devices, like a monitor. [19659002] Although there are all types (and prices), there are some points you need to define to acquire the one that best fits what you are looking for.

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] ASUS RX 570 O4G Gaming graphics card

Will you spend your time on eSports or do you like the latest generation games at over 60 fps? What is the resolution level of the titles you will be spending time on? These types of questions will help you know the level of graphics power you will need.

In addition, you must consider that your computer must be compatible with the card, so the size, connections and configuration of the card must be reviewed.

4- RAM Memory

RAM (Random Access Memory) manages the programs you have open on your computer: the larger the RAM memory the heavier the programs [19659002] However, as with other products, it is necessary to review what you want from your computer to choose the memory indicated.

A RAM of 8 GB will be enough to enjoy most of the current games, although each time the titles ask for more requirements there are therefore those who prefer a 16 GB.

On sites like PC Factory, you can find a variety of products ranging from $ 15,000 to $ 148,000

  Corsair DDR3 DIMM Memory
Corsair DDR3 DIMM Memory

5- Mouse

Finally, we can not put aside the mouse, one of the accessories that takes a particular importance in games.

In this section we should look at two aspects. The first is the dots per inch which is nothing more than the distance at which two points must be traveled.

In other words, the greater the number of ppp, the mouse will be more accurate. However, it is important to note that not necessarily more ppp will improve the mouse.

  Kingston HyperX Pulsefire FPS Model Mouse Player
Kingston HyperX Pulsefire Model FPS Player

A high level of sensitivity in some games may cause problems when aiming. In general, between 1600 and 3200 is a good level of ppp for the player.

For its part, the ergonomics of the mouse should also be reviewed by the user before buying the product, since the comfort (or discomfort) can transform your experience in something positive or a nightmare.

To see products of this type, you can enter this link.

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