Do you really know how much sugar your children consume?


Chile is one of the countries with the highest rate of childhood obesity in Latin America in fact, a study conducted by the United Nations reveals that near 10% of children under five are obese.

Although it is a multifactorial phenomenon in 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) has attributed as one of the causes of phenomenon excessive sugar consumption he therefore called to reduce the consumption of sugar to less than 10% of the quality of calories consumed daily.

In the case of children it is difficult such responsibility rests with their parents or responsible adults.

However, a study by International Journal of Obesity revealed that people are not able to calculate how much sugar they eat cough

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Seven tablespoons of sugar. This is the maximum amount we should consume per day, according to nutritionists, to avoid health problems. If we consider that a single can of sodas or soft drinks among the most popular already contains more sugar than this amount, we can see that it is not easy to stay within these limits.

The study involved more than 300 German families, where there would be a child between 6 and 12 years old. All children were measured body mbad index (BMI) and asked who was the adult responsible for providing food to the family, who was usually the mother.

Parents were asked to calculate, in cubes of sugar, the amount of sugar contained in various beverages and foods such as orange juice, yogurt, pizza or ketchup [19659011]. 75% of adults underestimated the amount of sugar in foods and, in some cases, quite freely, usually with foods considered "healthy".

For example, more than 90% missed by seven cubes of sugar or almost 60% of the total, the amount available in a serving of yoghurt.

The study also points out that there is a correlation between the parents who have erred the most in the calculation of sugar, with children who had the highest BMI in the world. ;study. [19659012]

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