Do you remember this ranking? Chile falls in World Bank Doing Business Report


This was at the center of the controversy at the beginning of the year, when it was said that she had been manipulated in such a way as to harm the Michelle Bachelet government.

This is the Doing Business report of the World Bank, which measures the climate. doing business in the countries and that in its 2019 version, Chile again posts declining positions, u bicandosis in position 56 out of 56 nations considered, one less than in 2018.

Our country is the second largest in Latin America, only behind Mexico (54) and ahead of Colombia (65), Peru (68) and Uruguay (95).

What does the report say this time? It has been pointed out that in Chile, the way to start a business has been facilitated since the requirement to present accounting books and invoices to the Internal Revenue Service (SII) has been replaced by an electronic system. In addition, it facilitated the respect of contracts by introducing an electronic system allowing claimants to lodge a complaint in this manner

which enabled the country to climb several places to 49th place in respect of contracts, taking into account points following: that there is a delay of 480 days, compared with 768 days on average for Latin America and the Caribbean and 582 days for high-income economies of the OECD.

The report also reveals that in Chile, the results are satisfactory. For example, a company costs 49% of its per capita income to connect to the Santiago grid, compared to 64% on average for high-income economies. the Ocde.

Among the negative aspects of our country, the report points out that companies have a tedious process to pay taxes: a company takes 296 hours a year to comply with their tax obligations, compared to the 159 hours on average recorded by the Ocde.

Another negative point highlighted is the section "Management of building permits", where the country collapses. location 15 to 33.

"Chile's reform program is continuous, but it would be favored if it were faster An acceleration of the pace would contribute significantly to removing the obstacles to private initiative, especially in areas where entrepreneurs still face difficulties such as access to credit and payment of taxes, "said Santiago Croci Downes, program manager in the unit. Doing Business.

It should be recalled that the authenticity of the measurements made by this study was questioned by the chief economist of the organization, Paul Romer, who accused the manipulation of certain parameters , although the entity itself has discredited its statements. who eventually ended up leaving office.


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