Do you think a lot about helping you lose weight? The brain burns in one day the same amount of calories as a half-hour run


Do you sometimes feel tired of thinking a lot? If someone laughs or bugs you to blame your mental process for exhausting it, ignore it, because in reality the brain can burn enough calories for a day, which is equivalent to running for half a day. hour.

According to El País, you will not feel tired at the level of physical exercise, but you will burn about 350 calories a day for just thinking. This is referred to as an adult with a medium-weight brain, about 1400 grams and about 70 pounds.

Professor-researcher of the Higher Council of Scientific Research (CSIC), Javier DeFelipe, told the media that "the human brain represents about 2% of body weight and consumes 20% of the oxygen and the body glucose. "

" Initially, the brain can consume about 350 calories in 24 hours, or 20 calories.% of our daily expenses, "said Professor Ignacio Morón, professor at the University of Granada and researcher at the Center for Research on Mind, Brain and Behavior (CIMCYC)

In this regard, Dr. DeFelipe emphasizes that all physiological processes require energy, "the brain is the only one. organ that consumes the most energy ".This is because it is used continuously and does not slow down its activity at night.

According to Moron, in the brain" it is presumed that the gray matter [donde se encuentran los núcleos neuronales] consumes more energy than white matter [1 9459011]. ] and this is due, among other factors, to the large number of synapses and mitochondria of gray matter, as well as to the fact that the white matter is, by design, more efficient and more economical. "

Energy consumption of the brain is variable

DeFelipe states that the energy consumption of the brain is not always similar." When you are in normal mode, as when we walk on the street in thinking about our business, consumption may be lower, in that no area of ​​the brain is more activated than others, "he says.

This is supported by Morón, who incidentally demystifies, for example, a scientist has more money to spend than an administrative fee, given the difference between the facts that he studies or badyzes.

In this regard, he points out that "it is the intellectual task, more than the craft or the work itself, that determines the energy expenditure, and it can happen that an administrative has more." "

" An hour of intense intellectual work consumes almost the same energy as an hour of intense physical work, "he says, and, by the way, being under pressure or if your boss you press to finish your work later also helps to increase this process.

Think Thin?

If you are reading this, you think you can sit quietly in the chair and think about everything and lose weight Is wrong, why not, thinking not losing weight, so doing physical activity.

"Obviously, thinking about not losing weight, maybe thinking by walking vigorously or by exercising ", completes the director of CIMYCC, Andrés Caetana.

So no, because you think a lot, you do not lose weight So Sheldon Cooper is not skinny to think too much, even if he wants to read thoughts and so do a lot of energy consumption of the brain

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