Does not sugar cause diabetes? American study defines that sugar is not the problem


To dispel suspicions of a direct relationship between type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and sugar, an epidemiological study was conducted in the United States and published by the American Journal of Epidemiology [19659002]. 16, was based on the measurement of biomarkers of sugar in the urine of more than 80,000 women.

The study was conducted by a research group belonging to several institutions and universities in the United States (College of Health Solutions – University of Arizona, Division of Public Health Sciences – University of Seattle, Harvard Medical School – Boston, among others.)

This study, in which it remained under observation for 16 years, in a sample of more than 80,000 women, led to unexpected results: sugar (defined as total sugars such as sucrose, fructose, lactose) is not the direct cause of type 2 diabetes, or cardiovascular disease.

A precise study, before a reality of "myths"

The information of the study, perhaps surprising in the first case, but not. The nutritionist of the Santa Maria Clinic, Dr. Ana Claudia Villarroel, told Publimetro that there is a kind of myth about diabetes. "This subject is generally misunderstood, it is not the sugar itself that generates the disease, but obesity, sedentary lifestyles, family history and age."

"This relationship is usually made because sugar is what breaks down the diabetic patient the fastest, but if the person has the risk factors controlled, the situation is different." The sum is simple according to the specialist: more sugar is more non-nutritious calories, and therefore, obesity is generated. "By explaining this in a simple way, the hormone insulin constantly communicates with the environment in which it is located," says the specialist

when asked when he was impressed by the result of the study, he answered categorically that no. "Something similar happens when they say that people who consume more salt are prone to hypertension," he said. This would be another myth according to the specialist, because the key factor would be to maintain a healthy life and a balanced diet.

"More than sugar, it is the excess of processed foods that causes high rates of these diseases. ", concluded the specialist.


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