Doing Business controversy now says Chile ranks first in business


The World Bank's first measure since the controversy of Paul Romer put the country at the 56th place in the ranking in Latin America, making it the second best performance after Mexico.

A position has receded in the ranking of the country's ease of doing business. World Bank, Doing Business, corresponding to 2019 and published today.

The report – the first since the country has been at the center of a controversy with the responsible entity, for the damage caused by the methodological changes on its performance – locates Chile in place 56 of the 190 measured savings. The previous year, he had positioned himself at number 55. In Doing Business 2017, he achieved his worst performance by positioning himself at number 57.

The 2019 release highlights that since the last publication, Chile " did open a business was easier by replacing the requirement to print and submit to the Internal Revenue Service accounting books stamped by an electronic system. "

He also pointed out that the country" facilitated the execution of contracts, introducing an electronic system that allows claimants to electronically record the original complaint. "

In total, the country scored 71.81 points, 0.37 more than those obtained in the 2018 version . In Latin America, it has been overtaken only by Mexico. Peru, for its part, ranked 68th in the standings and Colombia ranked 65th.

Specifically, Chile aggravated its score with respect to the ease of starting a business (from 89.55 points last year to 89.08); in the issuance of building permits (from 80.28 to 75.90) ​​and in the payment of taxes (from 76.17 points to 75.28).

At the same time, the country improved access to electricity (from 82.49 points to 85.67 last year); access to credit (from 50 to 55 points); the execution of contracts (from 62.81 to 65.79) and the resolution of insolvency (from 59.47 to 59.90). The results remained unchanged in the categories of property registration, protection of minority investors and cross-border trade.

The report released today makes no mention of the statements of the World Bank Chief Economist, Paul Romer. in January, stating that a series of methodological changes in the measures had altered Chile's performance during Michelle Bachelet's administrations. Romer left office and, earlier this month, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics. In the meantime, an external audit has excluded the manipulation of data at the bank.


Doing Business 2019 is led by New Zealand, Singapore, Denmark, Hong Kong and South Korea. Libya, Yemen, Venezuela, Eritrea and Somalia are in the last places.

The World Bank reported that a record number of 314 reforms had been carried out all over the planet in favor of the previous year. SMEs and entrepreneurs.

"The private sector is critical to creating sustainable economic growth and eliminating poverty in the world," said entity president Jim Yong Kim in a statement. Among the notable changes, the United Arab Emirates were ranked for the first time in the top 20 by climbing to 11th place.

In Latin America, Brazil has been the one that has made the most improvements, with four reforms highlighted by the ranking. However, it is ranked only 109th in the rankings.

"It is encouraging to note that the implementation of reforms in Latin America and the Caribbean is constant, even though many economies could benefit from the acceleration of the reform agenda," he said in a statement. communicated, the program manager of the unit in charge of business management, Santiago Croci Downes. "Continued and sustained progress is fundamental to improving the business climate in countries and promoting private enterprise," he said.

Source: World Bank
Performance of Chile
Score 2019 Score 2018 Rank 2019 Rank 2018
Open Society 89.08 89, 55 72 65
Treatment of Building Permits 75.90 80.28 33 15
Obtaining Electricity 85.67 82.49 36 44
Ownership of Register 70.90 70.90 61 61
Access to Credit 55.00 ] 50.00 86 90
Protection of Minority Investors 60.00 60.00 64 57
Payment of Taxes 75.28 76.17 76 72 [19659022] Cross-Border Trade 80.56 80.56 71 68
Performance of Contracts 65, 79 62.81 49 56
Resolution of Insolvency 59.90 59.47 [19659021] 51 52
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